Tuesday, November 13, 2018

II Corinthians 6  As "ambassadors for Christ" doing the "ministry of reconciliation" - we must have the mindset that Paul had:
Keeping our eyes on the unseen, eternal life He is preparing for us.
Walking by faith and not by sight.
Focusing all our ambitions on pleasing Him.
Desiring to persuade others to be reconciled to God.
Being controlled only by the love of Christ.

And "working together with Him.."  ( 6:1)  God has given us grace.  The free gift of salvation.. and we have received it.. but it is worthless if we do not LIVE in it.  Paul's life serves as an example of grace - full living, and we must aim to live in the same manner.  In partnership with Christ.. controlled by His Spirit.. and being in the Presence of our God and Father, our lives will reflect Him in every circumstance..

v3  We will act in ways that do not offend or discredit the ministry of the Gospel

v4-5 We will exhibit ourselves as God's servants with endurance - despite afflictions, hardships, distresses, beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, sleeplessness, or hunger.

v6-7  We will exhibit the divine character of our Master  "in purity,  in knowledge, in patience, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in genuine love, in the word of truth, in the power of God; by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left..." 

v8-9   Whether we receive glory or dishonor; whether we have a good report or an evil report; whether we are considered to be deceivers, yet are speaking truth; whether we are well known or not; whether we are dying or living; whether we are under punishment.. or put to death;  In every circumstance.. let Christ be seen.

v10 - There is sorrow in our circumstances, Paul says,  but we can rejoice.  We may be poor, but we can share the riches of Christ.  We may have nothing by earthly standards.. but we have "all things" in Christ.

Paul proclaims his great love for the people in the church at Corinth, but he senses a lack of affection from them and entreats them to open their hearts to him.  He has their best interests in mind as he reminds them to not be "bound together with unbelievers".  They have been called to be separate from the world.. from the unclean.. to be holy:

The righteous should not have partnerships with the lawless.
The light should not fellowship with darkness.
One who is in harmony with Christ cannot have harmony with the evil one.
A believer has nothing in common with an unbeliever.
The temple of the living God - us - cannot agree with idols.

God dwells with us and in us. He is our Father and we His children.  Our lives need to be united with Him.. always, in every way... for this is who He has made us to be.

Father in heaven,  give us ears to hear this word and to live according to Your grace.. not in vain.. but wholly devoted and in complete submission to Your will.  May You be made known in our lives.. in our sufferings and in our successes.  May You strengthen us in our inner beings that Christ be manifested to all those we meet. Fill us Holy Spirit.. and sanctify us through and through so that it is Christ who is seen in us.  May we be known as servants of God and children of the Almighty Lord.
In Jesus' name

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