Wednesday, November 7, 2018

II Corinthians 3-  Paul asserts here that he does not need a letter of recommendation from another human being, because, he has a divine letter of recommendation  - a "letter of Christ" - the believers themselves.  Their changed lives - redeemed, restored, and transformed by the Holy Spirit as He wrote the New Covenant on their hearts - is a letter that is "known and read by all men".  

The Old Covenant, written on stone, was received by Moses with great glory.. so glorious was God's presence that Moses had to wear a veil on his face lest he frighten the people.

But the New Covenant, written on hearts, is so much more glorious!  
It never fades.
It gives life.
It brings true righteousness.
It surpasses any glory the Old covenant could bring.
It brings freedom... freedom from the penalty of the Law.. no longer slaves, but children of God.
It removes the veil.. so  that we can behold the glory of the Lord and be transformed into His likeness.  It removes the veil of unbelief.
It is eternal!  Everlasting and unfading!

We who have put our trust in Jesus Christ have been filled with His Spirit.. His Breath.  He has written His letter on our hearts, transforming us with ever-increasing glory.  Glory that is a reflection of His glory.. as He makes us more and more like Jesus.

Charles Sprugeon's sermon describes Jesus as the Beloved who is "all-together lovely".
Likewise, this is the Spirit's purpose for each of us in Jesus... that we "be all-together lovely.". as He is.

Father, You are great and glorious and gracious - loving us with everlasting love and giving us Your Spirit through the work of Christ Jesus, the Beloved Son.  I offer all praise and thanksgiving to You!
Oh, draw us closer.. that we might know the glory of Your beloved Son.. in deeper, truer, and more intimate/ personal ways. Have Your way in me, O Lord, that the glory of Jesus be ever-increasing in  me, in us.  In Jesus' name I pray. amen.

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