Friday, November 16, 2018

II Corinthians 8- 9  Paul continues to teach and exhort the church in this matter of generous giving.  He reminded them of their promise to give to this "gracious work" - a "bountiful gift" that would be sent to those in desperate need - saints in Jerusalem.  Since Paul is sending men from other churches to Corinth to receive their portion of the gift and carry it on to Jerusalem .  Paul wants to make sure that the church is ready when these men come so that his boasting of them is not going to bring shame on them or on him.

There are some lessons on giving in chapters 8-9 that are important for us to think about and to put into action.

8:3-5  Paul testifies that the church in Macedonia gave "according to their ability and beyond their ability.. of their own accord".  They begged to be part of giving to support the saints.  They had given themselves fully to the Lord and to His will first, so that God blessed them with "abundance of joy". 

8:10-12  The Corinthian church had begun preparing their gift.. there was a readiness and a desire.. but there need to be "the completion of it by [their] ability."  Paul reminded them that the "readiness" was "acceptable according to what a man has not according to what he does not have." 

8:13-15  Their giving was necessary - to supply a great need, not to allow another to live in ease while they went into poverty.  Their abundance would be helping to supply the needs of others, who may in turn help them when necessary.

8:18-23  Paul carefully chose the men who would be carrying these gifts to Jerusalem.  They took every caution to be sure that the gift got where it was supposed to go.  He wanted the churches to be confident in this.

8:24 "Therefore openly before the churches show them the proof of your love and of our reason for boasting in you."  

9:1-5  Paul sent messengers before the group that was coming to collect the offering - a heads up, if you will.  He had boasted of the Corinthians which had spurred on others to give as well.. now he didn't want them to be put to shame by not doing what he said they had.

9:6-14   The bottom line is this:  ".. he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully."

We are to give as we "purpose" in our own hearts.
We are not give "grudgingly or under compulsion"
We are to give cheerfully, for this is what God loves.
As we give, God gives for He is "able to make all grace abound to you.. "
God supplies everything to us in the first place.
God will supply and multiply "your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness." 
God will receive  thanksgiving  and glory from those who give and those who receive.

To summarize:
Giving as God directs us begins when we give ourselves to Him. 
God provides for us so that we can give. 
Giving "proves" our love - for God and for others. 
We need to be ready to give... and to follow through on giving. 
We decide for ourselves what we can give according to our own ability.. 
We can trust God to help us give.. even beyond our ability.. 
God will multiply His gifts to us when we take what He gives and help others. 
God receives glory and thanksgiving when we give from our hearts. 

I can personally testify to this.. you can never out-give the Lord!

Father in heaven, we give You thanks for all that You have bountifully blessed us with.. day after day, year after year.  We thank You for opportunities to give to others in need. Lord, we desire to give generously according to Your will and for Your glory. May our hearts be fully Yours.. and may all that You have provided be used as You lead us.  We are stewards.. may we be faithful stewards, obeying our Master in every work.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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