Thursday, June 8, 2017

Matthew 22-23  The religious leaders, seating themselves "in the chair of Moses", begin to question Jesus in an attempt to trap Him.

First, they sent their disciples and the Herodians who asked about the lawfulness of paying taxes to
Rome.  Jesus' answer made them marvel and go away.

Next, the Sadducees came with an elaborate scenerio about a wife who marries each of 7 brothers, having no children with any of them.  The question was about who would be her husband in the resurrection ( which they did not believe in).  Jesus set them straight on the truth - there is life after death, but marriage will have no meaning there.

Finally, the Pharisees come with a lawyer asking the most important question - " Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?"   Jesus said, " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself."   These two commandments, Jesus says, sum up "the whole Law and the Prophets." 

Jesus asks His own question to the Pharisees.  "What do you thing about the  Christ, who son is He?"
They knew the right answer, "The son of David".   But they did not want to hear what Jesus asked them next , about how David called Him, his own descendant,  "Lord".

Jesus then goes on to call out the scribes and Pharisees for not acting in accord with the Word that they knew and preached.

They burdened people with heavy loads and offered no help.
They acted in ways to get attention.
They desired to be honored and respected.
They demanded others to bow to their authority.
They kept others from entering God's kingdom.
They oppressed widows.
They made long prayers as a pretense.
They made converts.. but to their detriment.
They were blind to what was true and worthy...  they valued gold more than the temple; they valued the sacrifices more than the altar;  they failed to honor God's throne.
They forgot the most important things - justice, mercy, humility - and prided themselves for tithing "mint and dill and cummin" .
They made a ritual of washing their hands, their cups and their dishes... while neglecting their hearts, minds and souls.
They were guilty... of lying, stealing, murdering, and refusing to believe the truth.
Judgement would be upon them.
They needed to repent.. but they refused to even admit that they needed to be forgiven .

Pride, selfishness, and arrogance.... "And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled;"  Jesus preached.
These are things we can become blind to in ourselves.  We live in a culture where such attitudes are cultivated and praised. We also have seen many times over the truth of what Jesus said,  we see how the high and mighty fall.

"... and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted".  The one who serves, the one who is willing to be last, the one who lays down his own life for others... that is the one that who will be exalted, by God Himself .

Father, thank You for the Word that lights our way so that we can see truth.. that we can know what is of value in Your eyes.  Gather us together under Your wings.. we are willing.  We acknowledge You in all our ways and trust You to direct our paths in this world.  We love You with all our hearts and minds and souls,  knowing that we can do so only because You have loved us first.  We give You all our praise and thanksgiving.  We humbly pray this in the Name of Jesus, who is Lord.  Amen.

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