Friday, June 2, 2017

Matthew 20    Jesus gives a parable to illustrate what He means by His statement that the last will be first and the first will be last.

The first workers hired to work in the vineyard agreed to work the whole day for a denarius.  It was a fair wage for a day's work.  The other workers that came at 9, 12, 3 and 5 were given only a promise that "whatever is right I will give you".  They willingly worked, not knowing what they would receive, but leaving it in the hand of the landowner.

When the end of the day came, the landowner started paying out wages with the last who had come to work.  They worked an hour, but were given a day's wage.  The same for all the workers, including those who had worked all day.  These fellows grumbled, even though they were being treated according to their contract.  The landowner rebukes them for being jealous.  It is his right to be generous and to do as he wills.

The "last".. those who had been without hope of earning anything that day... received a blessing from the hand of the gracious and generous landowner.  Can you imagine their joy and thankfulness?!!
The "first" received what they had agreed to and were angry and unthankful.

Jesus is revealing an important truth about the kingdom of heaven.  The Father is gracious and kind.  When we follow Him and trust Him, we will find that He gives us more than we could ask for and more than we deserve.  

Once again the disciples get into a discussion about who is greatest among them.  The mother of John and James asked Jesus to give them seats of honor in His kingdom.  This angers the rest of the disciples.  Jesus repeats what He has told them before.  It is not about who is greater in position and power .. but who is willing to be a servant, a slave... to be lower.. to be last.

Jesus came to serve, not to be served.  " ... to give His life a ransom for many."  He is about to enter Jerusalem.  He is about to be crucified. They still thought He was about to sit on the throne in Jerusalem, even though He told them otherwise.  He would give them an example of what it means to be last .. a lesson they would never forget.

Father in heaven, You alone are worthy of our praise and worship.  You are so good. You are kind and generous and gracious to us.  We deserve nothing and You give us all things!  Help us to learn and live this truth.. to be a servant, even a slave for Your sake.. and leave the reward up to You.  You are faithful and completely perfect in all Your ways.  Keep our eyes open and give us ears to hear what You are revealing in Your word.  Amen.

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