Monday, June 5, 2017

Matthew 21  As Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling prophecy, He is announcing His kingdom and His position as King.  Many recognized this as cried out , " Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord." 

The first thing that the King does, His priority.. is set the temple aright by throwing out those who were corrupt, those defiling the Lord's House.  He opens up the "House of Prayer " to those it was meant for ... those who recognized their need for the Lord, the poor in spirit.  The "blind and the lame came to Him in the temple and He healed them."  The children sang praises to Him.  These - the needy and hurting, the little children - were the ones who had true understanding of the Lord and of His kingdom. They were more than willing to receive their King.

The chief priests and scribes reacted differently.  They criticized and challenged Jesus.  They questioned His authority and rejected their King.  Jesus gives a physical illustration and 2 parables that reveal what is happening :

1. The fig tree - When Jesus goes to look for fruit on the tree, He finds none.  He says, " No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you."  The tree withers and dies.   Like the tree, Israel bore no fruit, no righteousness, and are of no use to the King.

2. The two sons - the first says he will go to work in the vineyard but doesn't; the second says he won't go, but regrets... repents... and goes to do the Father's will.  Jesus tells the religious leaders that they are like the first son and the "tax-gatherers and harlots" are like the second son and they will "get into the kingdom of God before you". Israel had made a covenant to do God's will, but did not do it. Those who humbled themselves and repented... were the ones who entered into the Kingdom of God.

3. The vineyard - A landowner plants his vineyard and rents it out to vinegrowers who are supposed to send him a portion of the produce as payment.  When he sends his slaves to receive his portion, they beat them, stone them, or kill them.  When he sends his own son to them, instead of respecting him, they kill him too.  Even the religious leaders recognized the wretchedness of this behavior .  However they do not recognize themselves as ones who are doing the same thing - rejecting the Son of the One who owns everything.

Israel is like the fruitless tree, the disobedient son, and the selfish vinegrowers.  "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and be given to a nation producing the fruit of it. " 

Father in heaven, You are our King and our God and we worship You.  We come as needy people before You, asking for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done in our lives and in our world. Open our eyes to see and our hearts to receive You, even as the children in Jerusalem on that day long ago.  Hosanna! Blessed is Your Name!  Thank you for coming to save us Lord Jesus! What kindness and love You have given to us.  May we bear the fruit of righteousness to the praise and glory of Your holy Name.  Amen.

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