Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Matthew 21  Jesus tells another parable about the Kingdom.  He compares it this time to a wedding feast given by a king.  The king's son is going to be married, the invitations are sent out and the time has come.  But, those who were invited first were unwilling to come.  They even went as far as killing the servants sent to fetch them.  The king was enraged and sent his armies out to destroy the murderers.  He then invited anyone who wanted to come and filled the house with more guests.  One man came who did not bother to dress appropriately and when the king saw him, he threw him out.

The Heavenly Father has presented His Son for His wedding feast. Those first invited would be Israel. Yet they are refusing to come. The others invited would be the Gentiles.. all who are willing.  Yet, without the appropriate clothing... clothed in the righteousness of Christ... they will not be welcomed.

"... many are called but few are chosen.."  Jesus tells us.  The invitation has been issued.  We have been invited into His Kingdom.  But, we need to answer the call and we need to come with appropriate dress... dressed in His righteousness alone... faultless to stand before the throne!

Thank You Father for opening wide the door to come to You.  Thank You for providing all we need to stand before You. Bless us this day with Your Presence and grace, in all we do. It is in the Name of Jesus our Savior that we pray. Amen.

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