Friday, June 16, 2017

Matthew 26  This long chapter covers the plot to kill Jesus, Judas' betrayal, the anointing at Bethany, the last Passover, the time of prayer in Gethsemane, and the trial by Caiaphas.  It also covers Peter's denial of Jesus.

I want to focus on Peter during this time:

Luke 22: 7-13  tells us that Peter and John were the disciples sent to prepare the Passover for them all.
John 13:5- 9  tells us about Peter's reaction to Jesus washing his feet; first refusing and then asking for a complete washing.
Matthew 26: 33  tells us that Peter pledged to "... never fall away" from Jesus.
John writes, "Peter said to Him, 'Lord, why can I not follow You right now? I will lay down my life for You.'"
Luke gives further details:  Jesus says, " Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." ( 22: 31-32)
Matthew 26:36 - 45 describes Peter and the others, unable to pray even one hour with Jesus... falling asleep instead.
John 18:10 tells us that it is Peter who takes a sword and cuts off the slave's ear.
Matthew 26:38, along with all 3 other gospels tell us that Peter followed the procession as they took Jesus to he courtyard of the high priest.
All four gospels report Peter's denial of knowing Jesus.

Within a few hours Peter goes from the height of devotion to the depth of denial.  Truly, he was "sifted" by Satan.  He tried to be strong and courageous , taking up his sword and following Jesus to the courtyard even as the others fled.  But, it is the accusation of servant girls and bystanders that bring him to deny His Savior.  

When the rooster crowed... Peter fled with great weeping.  He got it.  He knew his failure, his weakness, his lack of faith and courage.  Peter was humbled, humiliated really, by his own actions.

And, aren't we all?  How precious is this truth, to know that failure and weakness... does not mean the end.  It is actually a beginning... for it gets us to the posture that truly pleases the Lord.  " Blessed are the poor in spirit... those who mourn.. the gentle" .  The last shall be first, Jesus has continually taught.  Peter had to learn a hard lesson and it took a sifting to do it.

Father in heaven,  You know us full well.  You know our weaknesses and failures.  You let us go through things that bring us low.. humbling us even,  so that You may then use us according to Your will.  Oh what grace! Thank You for the blessing of sifting!  Be glorified O Lord!  How precious is Your Truth and Lovingkindness to us who come to You in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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