Friday, August 29, 2014

Mark 14:12-31  The Lord sends 2 of His disciples to prepare the Passover meal for them in Jerusalem.  All these little mysteries....
A colt willingly provided.
A room secretly prepared.
A man carrying water to lead them.
A betrayal from one of the intimate group of 12 disciples.

Bread - His body- broken and given freely.
Wine- His blood- poured out for many, a covenant-a contract- a testament.

The Shepherd will be struck down.
The sheep will be scattered.
The insistent promises of Peter -turned to ashes in just a few hours time.

God in perfect wisdom, made a perfect plan.  With perfect love and goodness, He sent His perfect lamb. It is more than we can understand.  It is more than we could ever ask.

Tozer wrote: " The incarnation of the Eternal Son in human flesh was one of God's mighty deeds, and we may be sure that this awesome deed was done with a perfection possible only to the Infinite." and
"Atonement too was accomplished with the same flawless skill that marks all God's acts.  However little we understand it all, we know that Christ's expiatory work perfectly reconciled God and men and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers."

A wonderful mystery - that God would love us this much.

Father, thank You. You are good.   You are merciful and gracious. Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  All Your works are wonderful.  Even when our limited minds cannot understand.
May Your perfect will be done.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mark 14:1-11  Jesus and his disciples are back in Bethany where they are staying.  They are having dinner at the house of Simon the leper,  although John tells us that Martha was serving and Lazarus was also there.  John also tells us that it is Mary who comes in with an alabaster vial of pure nard, a costly perfume.  She breaks open the vial and pours it over Jesus.  Matthew and Mark tell us she put it over His head, but John says it was on His feet.  So probably both.  Either way, this act of worship and sacrifice is criticized by the disciples...especially one particular disciple, Judas.  They thought that this was a great waste, for the perfume could have been sold for 300 denarii, almost a year's wages.

But Jesus defends Mary's gift.  He honors her act by calling it a "good deed",  an anointing that would prepare His body for burial.  Two days later would be the beginning of Passover and Jesus would be nailed to the cross.  Mary was willing to give to Jesus all that she had, probably the most valuable thing that she owned.  Jesus not only defended her, but He proclaimed that she would be remembered for this act "wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world."

Mary was greatly honored for her sacrificial giving and love for the Master.  But, Judas took great offense.  It is at this time that he heads off to see the chief priests to betray Jesus for 30 shekels of silver.

True colors.  Sooner or later the truth comes out, doesn't it?   Mary was devoted to Jesus.  She seemed to understand, more than the disciples, that Jesus was going to really die as He said.  Her heart was tender and she showed by her actions how deeply she loved Jesus.   Judas, we are told, was a thief.  He cared more about money than he did about Jesus.  Perhaps his only reason for following Jesus all along was to gain money, power, and fame.  Maybe his disillusionment was growing as Jesus talked about how the greatest in His kingdom would be the servant .  That would not appeal to one like Judas, who wanted only what this world offered, not what lay ahead in eternity.

What lays in our hearts?  What are our true colors, when it comes to Jesus?
Will we lay down all we have at His feet?  Will we give ourselves over to devotion and sacrifice, for the love of our Savior?
Or will we cling to what this world has to offer, deceived into the false security of money, power, or fame?
Mary is remembered as one who sat at Jesus' feet, anointed His head, and cried at the cross.
Judas is remembered as a thief and the betrayer, who killed himself because of the guilt of his sins.
Mary had her eyes on the "unseen" things - the eternal kingdom.
Judas had his eyes on the "seen" things - the physical kingdom.

Paul writes, "For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but things which are not seen are eternal."  ( II Corinthians 4:17-18) 

Father in heaven,  examine us... open our eyes and help us to examine our own hearts.  To see what our true colors are.  May we repent of hard hearts and of seeking only the things of this world.  We turn our eyes to You, Jesus.  To the promises of eternity in Your Presence.  Let us be done with lesser things, with broken cisterns that cannot give us the living water that You alone can give. Nothing in this world can satisfy the longing in our hearts.   You are God. You are faithful and unchanging.  Father, that is where our hope must stand, on the solid Rock.
I want to follow the example of Mary,  laying all that I have at Your feet, not clinging to the temporal things of this world, but clinging to the One Who gave His all for me.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mark 13 The disciples question Jesus about the things to come... the last days, the establishment of His Kingdom, the fulfillment of prophecy.  Jesus begins to teach them about the signs, yet the thing He seems to emphasize the most is that they be ready:

verse 5 "See to it that no one misleads you."
verse 9 "But be on your guard."
verse 23 "But take heed; behold I have told you everything in advance."
verse 33 "Take heed, keep on the alert;...."
verse 35 "Therefore, be on the alert.."
verse 37 "And what I say to you I say to all. Be on the alert!"

There is a lot of debate and speculation about the immanent return of Jesus.  We hear Jesus say, "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."
Yet, what are we to take heed of?  How are we to be alert?  What exactly did Jesus tell them in advance?

Verse 2 - He told them that the great temple would be torn down.
Verse 6- He told them that men would come and proclaim that they themselves are Christ.
Verse 7 - He told them there would be wars.
Verse 8 -He told them there would be battles between nations and between kingdoms; there would be earthquakes and famines in many places.
Verse 9 - He told them that they would be arrested, beaten, and tried.
Verse 12- He told them that families will be ripped apart by each other because of Him.
Verse 13- He told them that they would be hated because of His Name. And that only those who endure will be saved.
Verse 14 - He told them that there will be an "Abomination of Desolation" who will rise up.
Verse 19-  He told them that there will be a great tribulation that will surpass anything ever seen in history since the creation.
Verse 21 - He told them that many will proclaim to see Christ or to be Christ.
Verse 24 - He told them that the sun, moon, and stars will fail.
Verse 26 - He told them that THEN - He will return with power and glory.
Verse 27 - Then the elect will be gathered from the farthest ends of the earth and of the heavens.

He says that we are to take heed of what He has said. We are to be alert and watchful for these signs. That we must not allow ourselves to be deceived or afraid.  Just be ready.  Be like the servant awaiting his master's return - doing whatever the task is that He has assigned to us. To be found faithfully serving Him. So whether it is "in the evening, at midnight, at cock-crowing, or in the morning.." we will be ready.

There will be a time when those who are in Judea will flee to the mountains; fleeing for their lives with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Fleeing with their children.  And we are to pray that it will not be winter... and pray that the Father will shorten those days.

Some believe that the time is coming soon.  That ".. He is near, right at the door." ( verse 29)  May it be so!  But I also pray that we will be ready. Alert. Faithful. Enduring to the end.  And I pray that the gospel will be preached to all nations; that many more will be saved and ready for that day.

Father in heaven,  Your wisdom is perfect and Your works are wonderful.  You have saved us by the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus; the only Christ.  We look to You.  We wait for You.  Help us to stay alert.   Help us to be ready.  Fill us with the power of Your Spirit so that we will take the gospel to all nations.  Please bring salvation to those who are still lost.  I pray for my family members who are still not ready and ask that You would open their eyes, soften their hearts, and bring them to Jesus.
In Christ, the All in all, I pray.  Amen.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mark 12   Jesus tells a story about a man who planted a vineyard.  It was walled and  well equipped. It even had a tower / castle.  Then he rented it out to tenants and left on a journey.  At harvest time, the owner sent a slave to his vineyard to receive some of the produce.  However, the tenants were not willing to give up any of the profits,  so they beat the slave and sent him away with nothing.  One after another the landowner sent his representatives; and one after another they were beaten or killed.  Finally, the man sent his own son, hoping that the tenants would respect him.  But, they did not.  Instead they killed the heir and claimed the property for themselves.

The story is a parable of God's kingdom. It is God Who created all things.  It is God Who called out Israel to be His people.  It is God Who brought them out of captivity and set them in the promised land.  It is God Who commissioned His people to be a holy nation, a nation set apart for Him.  To bear the fruit of purity and righteousness, of grace and truth; to be the light to the world.   But, the people rebelled and hijacked the kingdom for themselves.  They persecuted and killed the prophets.  They were preparing to kill the Son.  They rejected the Cornerstone.  They would lose the kingdom.  It would be given to another.

The Pharisees and Sadducees, the priests and scribes and elders of Israel,  were the tenants who claimed the kingdom for themselves.  They did not fear God anymore... for they did not even understand His Word or His power.   They questioned Jesus about taxes and about marriage in heaven. They tried to trick Him into saying things that they could use to judge Him and destroy Him.
They failed at the most important thing... serving God.

Jesus told the Jews that they were mistaken because they did not know the Word of God or the power of God.
They were wrong in their politics.
They were wrong in their theology.
They were wrong in their priorities.
They were wrong in their concept of Who God Is.

We must look at our own hearts and minds, examining ourselves to be sure that we are walking in the Truth.
 Do we know what the Scriptures really say? 
 Do we know Who God really is?  
Have we lost sight of the fact that He is Almighty God?  
All of creation belongs to Him. All that we have, we have been given by His Hand.  So "render... to God the things that are God's."
God is eternal and infinite.  Life and death are in His hands.  Eternal life is life in Him.  "He is not the God of the dead but of the living..." The body lives only for a season on this earth.. the soul is forever - will it be forever in glory?  or forever in torment?
God is worthy of our love.  The greatest command is "And you shall love the Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."  Is this our priority?
God sees and understands us completely.  Jesus knew that the scribes were pretentious hypocrites and that the poor widow was giving to the Lord from her heart.  What motivates us?

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name. "Forever God stands apart in light unapproachable."
( Tozer)  You are infinite and transcendent.  You are all powerful and all knowing.  You are "awesome and dreadful" and if we were to see You with these physical eyes, we would fall dead before You. But help us to see You the eyes of our hearts.
May all the earth praise You!  May this dark and weary world behold Your glory and be transformed by Your glorious Light.
 Let Your Kingdom come, Lord!  Remove the evil tenants and come reign over us in righteousness and truth and peace and goodness.   Let Your good and acceptable and perfect will be done in us.  In Your church.  In Your family.  In me.  Give us our daily bread.  You are the giver of all life.  We have nothing but what You have provided.  Forgive us our trespasses and sins. Help us to forgive others with hearts of grace and mercy.  Lead us away from temptations and into Your paths of righteousness.  Deliver us from the evil one, from the snares and traps, from the lies and deceptions, and from our own evil hearts.  You are the King and the Kingdom is Yours.  All Glory belongs to You.  All power is in Your Hands.  We give thanks to You for saving us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Lord.  In Him we pray.  Amen.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mark 10:32-52  Jesus and His disciples are heading towards Jerusalem.. to the cross.  Jesus continues to try to prepare them for what is going to happen there.  " Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death and will deliver Him to the Gentiles.  And they will mock Him and spit upon Him, and scourge Him, and kill Him, and three days later He will rise again." ( 10:33-34)

Yet they still don't accept this or understand this.  Instead, an argument breaks out when James and John ( and their mother) ask Jesus for the favor of sitting beside Him on His throne.   Again, Jesus explains that greatness is not measured in positions of power, but in service.  God's purposes and plans are much different than what men think... even men who had walked along side Jesus while He was on earth.

As the group comes into Jericho and heads on through, Jesus is surrounded by another crowd.  One voice rises out above the others, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, calls out, " Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" And, Jesus does have mercy on him, restoring his sight.  Jesus tells him, "Go your way; your faith has made you well."  Bartimaeus, regaining his sight, follows Jesus.

Mark 11 records the triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, the cleansing of the temple, and the lesson of the fig tree.   The last week of Jesus' earthly ministry has begun.  Bartimaeus will witness this with his newly restored eyesight.
Jesus on the colt.
Garments and palms spread out before Him.
The people and children singing.
The green fig leaves.... and then  the withered root.
The fleeing moneychangers, the scattered doves, and the overturned tables.
The temple in its beauty and the chief priests, scribes, and elders in their arrogance.

We need to have restored vision too.  To really see Jesus.  To have opened ears to hear what He has to say.
"Do not be afraid any longer, only believe." ( Mark 5:36)
"Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid." (Mark 6:50)
"All things are possible to him who believes." ( Mark 9:23)
"With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." ( Mark 10:27)
"Have faith in God." (Mark 11:22)

Believe that He can do the impossible.
Believe that He will move the mountains.
Believe that you will receive an answer to your prayers.
Believe that just as you can choose to forgive someone who has hurt you,  He will forgive you and all you have done to hurt Him....
Believe that He is good enough, wise enough, and powerful enough to do whatever it takes to bring you fully to Himself.  To perfect you, strengthen you, restore you, and even use you. For His glory.

Have mercy on us too, Lord Jesus!
Open our eyes Lord!  We want to see You.  We want to hear Your voice.
We want to follow You.
We want to believe... help us in our unbelief.
Living water.. come and fill us.  Take our dried and hardened hearts.. and pour down your healing rain.  Remove the rocks and thorns and weeds...
Father in heaven, we bring these requests to You in Jesus' Name.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mark 10

v1-12 Jesus presents the truth about divorce.  Divorce was permitted in the law, "because of your hardness of heart", Jesus tells the Jewish leaders.  It isn't what God desires.  He established marriage in the garden of Eden... from the very beginning of time.  He said that in  marriage " the two shall become one flesh".   God Himself joins the two together.   Divorce comes from the Greek word - apoluo - to free fully, release, dismiss, let die, pardon, let go - put away; set at liberty.   To move away from or destroy, loosen, dissolve, break up.  Divorce destroys God's creation.

Yet, it was permitted - because of hard hearts.  That is an interesting Greek word too - sklerokardia - skleros means dry, hard, tough, fierce, harsh;  kardia - the heart, the feelings and thoughts; the center;
Our hearts, our thoughts and feelings become dried up; life gets sucked out of them and they become hard and tough,  like the drought plagued fields out west.  No seeds can grow,  no roots can take hold, and no fruit will be produced.  Divorce doesn't happen because we fall out of love, or because we have irreconcilable differences.  It happens because our hearts become hard and tough and dried up. And instead of fixing that problem... we let God's creation die.

The disciples have a hard time with this and question Jesus.  They also have questions about His statements in verses 13 - 31.  First, Jesus rebukes them for sending away the children - instead receiving them and calling them the ones to whom the Kingdom of God belong.  Then, He makes the statement, " How hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God."
The Kingdom belongs to those who receive it like a child... but those who are wealthy, those thought to be the most "blessed" - can't even enter!  This flip-flops their entire way of thinking...

"Then who can be saved?"  they ask.

Not who - but how - is the question they needed to ask;  " With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." 

How can hard hearts be made soft again?
How can marriages be saved?
How can we enter into God's Kingdom?
How can we even be saved?

Only with God.  Only by a God Who is infinite and eternal; Who has infinite wisdom and infinite power.. and who loves us with unfailing love;  Who shows us His perfect, unchanging mercy and grace.  He does the impossible.  It is with Him.. in faith, in fellowship, in clinging to Him with all of our hearts.. that the impossible happens.

Tozer says, " We rest in what God is".   And ..... "The testimony of faith is that, no matter how things look in this fallen  world, all God's acts are wrought in perfect wisdom." We are to, " believe actively that our Heavenly Father constantly spreads around us providential circumstances that work for our present good and our everlasting well-being.."  He wants us to trust Him... in the dark.
For He is good enough to desire our "highest welfare".  He is wise enough to plan it, powerful enough to achieve it. He is all we need.

Oh Father in heaven,  God of the impossible... God of our salvation,  You have perfectly, wonderfully, provided salvation through the death and resurrection of Your Beloved Son, Jesus.   You perfectly reconcile us to Yourself.  You perfectly opened the door to the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we can come in.  All You do is perfect.  You are all wise,  all powerful, and all knowing.  We can rest in You.
Help us to believe... to fully trust You, even in the dark.
In Jesus.. and Him only do we come and ask these things.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mark 9  Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up to a high mountain, where He is transfigured before their very eyes.  Not only are His garments changed, supernaturally white, but Elijah and Moses join Him there.  To top it all off, a cloud forms and the Voice of God tells them, " This is My beloved Son, listen to Him." 

Even with all this, the 3 disciples don't understand when Jesus talks to them about His rising from the dead.

As they come down from the mountain they are met with a crowd.  There are the 9 disciples, the scribes, and the crowd. A man, whose son is demon possessed by a spirit, who has made him mute and causes him to have seizures,  runs to Jesus and tells Him what is happening.  It is interesting to note the man's words.. " and I told Your disciples to cast it out and they could not do it."

The boy is brought to Jesus.  Jesus watches as the boy suffers an awful seizure and then asks the man how long this has been happening.  As in the situation with the Syrophenician woman, Jesus seems in no hurry to cast out the demon.  He is going deeper with the father... He is looking for or waiting for evidence of faith.  The man answers, " From childhood. And it has thrown him both in the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!"

Now, Jesus gets to the heart of the problem, " If You can! All things are possible to him who believes."  The statement "... if You can"  is not much of confession of faith.  It's not even hoping for a crumb from the master's table.  It's not a prayer.  It's not an entreaty.  It's not confidence in the Lord Who is the Beloved Son.

How wonderful and kind our Savior is, to lead this man, and us into faith.  " Immediately the boy's father cried out and began saying, 'I do believe; help my unbelief.' "  The deeper need in this man was transformed thinking... from unbelief to belief... from demanding that the disciples do his will, to  humbly crying to Jesus for His help.

Compare this case with the demoniac in Gennesaret. Those demons instantly recognized Jesus, pleaded with Him to be sent into the pigs, and drove the thousands of pigs into the water.  In this case, twice in His presence, the demons throw the boy into convulsions.  When Jesus orders it to leave and never come back, it about kills the boy.  In fact the people around him think he is dead, until Jesus takes his hand and raises him up. Why?

When Jesus goes in the house, the disciples question Him about why they couldn't cast out this demon.  "And He said to them, 'This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer.' "

Father in heaven,  You are wise and we are not.  You know all things, You have all of creation in Your hands.  We don't understand or comprehend Your power, Your greatness, or Your plans.  But we thank You for leading us, for patiently bringing us to believe and to trust and to obey .   We need Your  help Lord Jesus.  Help us to believe.  Help us to pray.  Help us to wait.  Help us to rejoice in hope and to worship in holiness.  We cannot do anything on our own, but nothing is impossible for You.  Let Your will be done,  Let Your Name be honored, and Let Your kingdom come.  Lead us in Your paths,  and deliver us from the evil one.   Beloved Son, we ask this in Your Name.  Amen.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mark 7- 8 Jesus leaves Tyre and travels back to Galilee, in the region called the Decapolis, an area inhabited mostly by Gentiles, heavily influenced by the Greeks.   Here is where the man, once possessed by a legion of demons, had gone to proclaim the wonderful deliverance he had experienced through the power of Jesus.  Perhaps this is why Jesus now travels back there, as hearts are now prepared to receive Him. Yet, we only have one miracle of healing recorded here.  A man who is deaf and unable to speak clearly.  What is interesting is the way that Jesus heals this man:
He takes him away from the crowd.
He puts His fingers in the man's ears.
He spits and takes His own saliva and touches the man's tongue.
He sighs.
He speaks, "Ephphatha! Be opened."
He tells them not to tell anyone.

Later, Jesus heals a blind man in Bethsaida.  Again, His method is unusual :
He takes the man by the hand.
He leads him out from the village.
He spits on the man's eyes and lays His hands upon him.
He asks about what the man can see, and when his sight is not fully restored, He touches him again.
When the man's sight is clear, Jesus sends him home.

Two unusual accounts of healing sandwich in another significant account.
Jesus takes 7 loaves of bread and a few fish and feeds 4000 men.  The disciples take up 7 large baskets of left over bread.
They cross over the sea to Dalmanutha and are confronted by the Pharisees, who want a sign.
Again, Jesus sighs deeply and refuses them a sign.
They leave again, bringing no bread with them.
Jesus speaks to His disciples.. " Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."  .. .and they think He is upset that they didn't bring bread.

They were missing the point of everything!
"Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not see or understand? Do you have a hardened heart? 'Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?' and do you not remember..."   He fed 5000 with 5 loaves, He fed 4000 with 7 loaves.. there was plenty of left over bread... of broken pieces... of crumbs.  Food is not the issue!  "Do you not yet understand?"

Their ears were as deaf and the man in Decapolis.  Their eyes were as blind as the man's in Bethsaida.
Their hearts were as hardened as the Pharisees'. The leaven of unbelief is a dangerous thing!
Jesus wants to open their ears and eyes.. and hearts..  He wants to open ours too.  He is willing to take us by the hand and lead us away from the crowd.  To touch our ears and our eyes until we see clearly. 
He must sigh deeply about us too sometimes....

Jesus takes His disciples out on a walk.  "Who do people say that I am?"  He asks them.  They answer  and then He pushes them a bit further in their thinking.  "But who do you say that I am?"
It is then that Peter makes a profound confession of faith, " Thou art the Christ." 
Romans 10: 9 " ... if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved."
I John 4:15 " Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him and he in God. 
I John 2:23 "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father ; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also."
Who do YOU say that Jesus is?

What we say about Jesus matters. Everything we say about Jesus matters. 
Jesus begins to tell the disciples about His coming death and resurrection.  They had not been ready to hear this until now.  Until they knew Him as the Christ, the Messiah... the Son of God.
When Peter tries to rebuke this new revelation, Jesus corrects his thinking... that is Satan's way, not God's way.
God's way includes suffering .  For Jesus, the suffering of the cross.  For us too, for " If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."
To try to save ourselves - is to lose ourselves.
To lose ourselves for Him and the gospel... is to find salvation.
There is nothing in this world that is worth a man's soul, Jesus tells us.  Disown it all.  Take a stand.  Follow Jesus.. accompany Him on the same road. 

To confess Jesus is the Lord, the Son of God... is life and salvation.  
To deny Him, is death.  "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My Words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."

Father in heaven,  We proclaim with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, the anointed One, the Son of God.  We confess that He is the Lamb that was slain. That He died willingly on the cross to pay our ransom, to rescue us from sin, to redeem us.  He rose again on the third day and now sits on the throne at Your right Hand.  Thank You Lord God! Thank You for knowing us perfectly and saving us completely.  Thank You for patiently taking us aside and opening our ears to hear and our eyes to see.  Thank You for helping us to remember.. giving us Your Spirit, our Counselor to help us.  No other Name but the Name of Jesus can lead us home to You.  I am not ashamed of the gospel, of Jesus my Savior.  Touch my tongue that I might speak clearly the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Amen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mark 7:24-37  Jesus takes a trip to Tyre. This would not be just a stroll over to the next town, for Tyre was located on the Mediterranean Sea in what is now the country of Lebanon.  In Jesus' time this was a Roman trade port. It appears that Jesus knew people there in Tyre for He enters a house there, hoping to be unnoticed.  But, of course, people noticed....

Only one incident is recorded in Mark for us, so it must have had some significance.  A woman comes to Jesus and begs Him to free her young daughter from demon oppression.  How young this child is, we do not know, but when the woman returns home the child is laying on the bed, so she must have been very young.   We do know is that this woman was a Gentile.  Mark tells us she was Syrophoenician,  Matthew says she is Canaanite. The first would be more of a regional designation, the latter, more of a cultural reference.  Either way, she was most definitely not a Jewish woman.
Matthew tells us that this woman cried out and shouted to Jesus, " Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed."  When Jesus would not answer her, she kept on shouting.  The disciples wanted Him to simply send her away, she was so loud and persistent in her pleas.

But, when Jesus answered her finally, " I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."  and " It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."  ( Matthew15:24, 26)  To which Mark adds, " Let the children be satisfied first..." ( Mark 7:27)  It is not very encouraging...

The woman answers Jesus carefully, " Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table feed on the children's crumbs."  Or as Matthew puts it,  the dogs " ... feed on the crumbs which fall from their master's table."   This answer revealed to Jesus the woman's faith.  " O woman, your faith is great; be it done for you as you wish."  Matthew records. And Mark adds,   " Because of this answer go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter."    And, when the woman returns to her home the child was found delivered, freed from the demon.

After this, Jesus leaves the region and returns to Galilee.  Like the time that Jesus crossed the sea of Galilee and healed the demoniac, it appears that this meeting was a divine appointment.  Jesus travels a long way to meet this one specific need.  Perhaps this woman had been praying for help long before Jesus came into town.... perhaps it was her faith and intercessions for her daughter that brought Jesus there in the first place.  No matter what, we can be encouraged by this miraculous deliverance of this little girl.

Be encouraged to be an intercessor.  Pray for those in need.  Come to Jesus on behalf of those who cannot or will not do it themselves.   Jesus delivered the child because of the prayers of her mother.

Be encouraged to ask for what we wish.  Jesus answered the woman's request exactly as she presented it.  " ... be it done for you as you wish".  She asked for help for her daughter and He answered that need exactly.   Sometimes we get so bogged down by praying for  "God's will, for God knows best"... that we are afraid to ask for anything at all!  She asked.. Jesus answered.  He did not condemn her for asking for what she needed done.

Be encouraged to keep on asking/praying, even if there is silence from the Lord.  The woman was annoying the disciples, but Jesus wasn't annoyed... He was waiting.  We do not know the Lord's reasons for waiting to answer our requests, but we need to learn to not give up.  E.M. Bounds calls this the " importunity of prayer."  He writes, "Without persistence, prayers may go unanswered.  Importunity is made up of the ability to hold on, to continue, to wait with unrelaxed and unrelaxable grasp, restless desire, and restful patience. Importunate prayer is not an incidental occurrence, but the main thing; not a performance, but a passion; not an option, but a necessity."

Father in heaven, You are never- changing and never-failing.  We come before You with praise and thanksgiving, for You are perfect and holy; righteous and merciful.  You hear our cries and shouts and prayers.  We come to You,  hoping for crumbs, but encouraged to ask for "daily bread".  For we are Your children and You are our Father.  Help us to pray with passion and persistence, with faith and compassion for those in need.  Teach us to come boldly to Your throne of grace, to pray in Your Spirit, in the Name of our Gracious Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mark 7  The Pharisees complained to Jesus about the disciples' lack of following their traditions.  They picked one example - the washing of hands.  Not that washing one's hands before eating is a bad thing, but they had made it equivalent to the Law of God.  To not follow the tradition then, became as much of a sin as murder or adultery .  Jesus confronts this false teaching and false thinking.

"This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me."  Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah.  They skirted around the direct commands of the Law and exalted their traditions over the Truth.  "... thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition.."  What the Pharisees had complained about and judged the disciples for... was nothing compared to what they were doing themselves.

Jesus then teaches the people what is True.  The truth is, that what we eat or how we eat - has nothing to do with sin.  Food doesn't defile you.   The truth is " things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man." ( verse 15 and verse 20).  The fact that Jesus repeats this statement while talking to His disciples shows us how important and foreign this concept was for them.

Think of what Jesus is saying -the things - the defiling things - proceed out of the man - that means they are already in us!  Sin is not something that happens to us - it is something that is part of us and we let come out - "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."  It is what happened when Adam sinned and we were all infected.  Jesus expands this thought, " For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting, and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness.  All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man." He hits most of the commandments here.  We break the commandments, not because of some food we eat or because we haven't washed our hands - we break the commandments because our hearts are evil!

The Pharisees didn't want to examine their hearts and confess their own wickedness.  They wanted to keep it all about external things - things they could control; things that they could flaunt in front of others; things that they could congratulate themselves on.   We are tempted to do the same, aren't we?
We go to church, we read our devotions, we do good works,  we don't drink or swear or whatever..... But, these are also external traditions.. and the real question is - What is in our heart?

Are there evil thoughts? Are we dealing with the sinful nature that we all have?  It is the same message that Matthew records on the Mount - The one who hates is just as much a murderer as the one who follows through and kills; the one who lusts is just as guilty as the adulterer. The one who ignores the commandment for his own benefit and covers it with traditions - is still guilty in God's eyes.

The Truth that Jesus teaches is that our "righteousness" stinks!  We are infected in our hearts with the evilness of sin.  It is not going to be dealt with by washing our hands or our dishes.  The only way to deal with it is through Him.  It is impossible with man - But all things are possible with God!
This is what He wants us to hear and understand.  This is why He came, this is why He died on the cross, this is why He was raised from the grave, and this is the Truth - our only hope is Jesus. 

"What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
O Precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow!
No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Father in heaven,  Unchangeable God, infinite in mercy and kindness; we bless Your holy Name. You have done what we cannot - You have washed away our sins by the blood of our precious Lord Jesus.
Thank You! Forgive us for trying to deal with our own sinfulness by any other method -we cannot do anything on our own - it is believing in Jesus and receiving the gift of salvation that He purchased for us on the cross- that has qualified us to "share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light." We joyfully give You thanks.  Fill us again with the full knowledge of Your will. Grant to us spiritual wisdom and understanding, that we might live a life worthy of our Lord.  That we might please You in every way.  Lead us away from temptations, deliver us from the evil one, and make us patient and steadfast by the power of Your glorious might. We  pray this in the Name of Jesus, our mediator and friend. Amen.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Mark 6  Jesus gives His twelve disciples the authority to cast out demons and heal the sick.  Then He sends them out to do the work of the Kingdom.  When they come back and report all that they had done, He takes them off to a deserted place to rest.  Except that the crowd sees where they are going and beats them there.  Instead of resting quietly, they end up serving 5000 men, plus women and children, from the 5 loaves and 2 fish.  After that, Jesus sends them off on the boat while He sends the crowd away.
After the crowd leaves, Jesus goes to the mountain to pray.  From there He sees the disciples struggling with heavy winds in the sea.... so He walks out, on the water, yet He intends to pass them by!  Except when they see Him and cry out, He comes to them and calms the sea.
When they arrive at Gennesaret they are again surrounded by people, who bring their sick to Him.. and He heals all who touch the fringe of His coat.

Psalm 145 : 11-12 says that those who are "godly ones" shall " speak of the glory of Thy kingdom and talk of Thy power; to make known to the sons of men Thy mighty acts, and the glory of the majesty of Thy kingdom."  In Mark 6, the writer gives us just that.  He tells of the power of Jesus and the majesty of His Kingdom.  These are the things that we also can share with those who are in great need. To those who have no other hope....

Jesus healed the sick and gave His disciples the authority to do the same.
Jesus overcame evil spirits and gave His disciples authority to do the same.
Jesus took 5 loaves and 2 fish and used it to feed over 5000 - through the service of His disciples.
Jesus walked across a roaring sea, in a furious wind, and brought calm to His disciples.
Jesus allowed anyone who needed to.. to touch Him and be healed.

This is the power of God, revealed in Jesus Christ.  This is the God we love and serve and obey.. and put our trust in.  He has not changed.  He has not become any less powerful.  But, we are like the disciples, " greatly astonished, for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened."    Those rocks... the ones that keep the roots from going down deep; that keep us from receiving all of the Word and becoming fruitful... are what keeps our hearts hard.
We want to believe.  We want to see His glory.  But hardened hearts keep us from that full experience of His power and Kingdom.

Jesus gives us the answer that we need, " Take courage; it is I, do not be afraid." (verse 50)
It takes courage to live as a disciple of Jesus.  To take what He has given us and hand it over to a needy world... for we are afraid of the ridicule and the rejection.. and we are afraid that He will not do what we want Him to do - heal, deliver, provide, bring calm to the storm.
But if we don't take courage and believe that Jesus is right here with us... that we can trust Him; that we can put aside our fears and know that His power is given to us - then those without hope will remain lost and sick and oppressed;  they will not know that Jesus is King of a glorious Kingdom and that He has infinite power and unsearchable goodness.  

Take courage.  KJV says "be of good cheer".  The Greek word is tharseo - courage; comfort; boldness; confidence.  The disciples did not gain this confidence and boldness.. this courage and comfort... until the Comforter, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them at Pentecost.  It is the power of the Holy Spirit, filling us, giving us this courage and confidence in the Presence and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ... that we need. 

Father in heaven,  You are infinite and eternal,  You are worthy of all honor and praise.  We extol You.  We bless Your holy Name.  Lift up our thoughts to meditate on Your greatness.  On Your power and wisdom and glory.  We are too afraid.. give us courage to proclaim the greatness of our God.
Forgive our small faith and our unbelief.  We have conformed our thoughts of You to the world's way of thinking, please transform us - renewing our minds- that we might behold Your glory and power and grace. That we will know You, the great I AM.   Come, Holy Spirit and fill us again and again.  Make us fervent in spirit that we might serve our Lord and King.  That we might give hope to those who are without hope. Oh Jesus, our Mediator, it is in Your Name we ask this.  Amen.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mark 6:1-6  Jesus comes to His hometown.  Here are the people that know His family.  People that have known Him since before the beginning of His ministry.   His mother and brothers and sisters are here.  When Jesus goes into the synagogue on the Sabbath, He begins to teach.  They are astonished and offended.   On one hand, they recognize that His teaching is great and wonderful.  They have heard of the miracles.  They see what He does.   But on the other hand, they "took offense".  They were "scandalized".  They stumbled over the fact that this common carpenter was now teaching in the synagogue, doing miracles, and proclaiming the coming of God's Kingdom.  They wouldn't even give Him the honor of calling Him a prophet.  "And He wondered at their unbelief."

Unbelief.  Faith -less-ness.  These people looked to their own opinions and experiences as the measure by which to judge Jesus.  In their opinions, He was not worthy of being called a prophet, let alone the Messiah, the Son of God, the Savior.   Hadn't they known His family?  Hadn't they seen Him working in the carpenter's shop?  Who was He, to think He could be anything more than that?

There are many stumbling blocks that people use to keep from believing in Jesus. Maybe this is the biggest one...
We are all guilty of trusting in our own opinions and experiences.... instead of taking a step of faith towards a God Who is so much greater than us.

Oh how thankful we are that God is infinitely patient!  He lovingly removes those stumbling blocks.
He digs out the stones from our rock-filled hearts.  He tends to the thorns and thistles that want to choke out our weak and fruitless faith.  He is the master gardener and we are His vine.   He prunes away the dead and worthless branches.  He brings us into His Kingdom by His Grace and we thrive there.

Father in heaven,  there are people that I love, members of my family... that are offended by Jesus.  They have stubbornly held on their own opinions and experiences and refuse to believe that Jesus Christ is the only Savior and Lord.  The only way to true life.  The only Hope of the world.  Oh Father, I plead with You to open their eyes and hearts to believe.  May they recognize their sin of unbelief.  May they confess and repent and believe in Jesus.  I ask this in Your Name, Jesus.  Amen

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mark 5:21-43  Two women - one only 12, just reaching the beginning of womanhood,  the other, we are not told how old she is, but we are told that she has suffered from a hemorrhage for 12 years.  Perhaps from the time of her youth...  One experiences death and resurrection;  the other experiences immediate healing of both her body and her soul.

The woman with the hemorrhage had enough faith to push through the crowds, reach out to Jesus from behind and touch his garment.  The father of the young girl had enough faith to buck the system and risk the wrath of the Jewish leaders, to come humbly before Jesus and beg Him to heal his daughter.  Even when the report came that she had already died, Jairus kept on believing.

My pastor just finished preaching on the parallel passage recorded in Matthew.  He focused on the message in these miracles.  The fact that Jesus revealed His power and authority over death and life, over demons and disease, over nature and over everything.   And this is so true.

Jesus spoke to the woman, " Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace and be healed of your affliction."  And he spoke to the parents of the young girl who was now dead, " Do not be afraid any longer, only believe."   Here is the power of Christ over suffering and death, and here is the merciful gentleness of Jesus, speaking peace into both of these situations.  The woman had suffered so long.  She was afraid and trembling when she was "caught" by Jesus after touching His garment.   Jairus had just been told that his daughter was dead.  Pain and fear and despair would have gripped his heart... yet Jesus spoke peace into his heart as well.

Note the connections - faith introduces peace; fear is vanquished by believing.   It is in Jesus that healing and life is found, this is true.  It is also true that when we reach out to Him in faith and when we choose to believe instead of fear - that we will find true peace.  That which goes beyond the physical need to the deepest needs in our hearts.

O Lord Jesus, we bow before You in humble adoration! You are our life giver and You are the Prince of Peace.  We put all our faith in You, for You alone are able to give us life and hope.  Our world is starving for such Hope, Lord.  Yet hard hearts and stubborn wills refuse to bow before You.  Open their eyes Lord! Open our eyes and free our tongues to tell of the wonderful works of our gentle Shepherd!  Help us to be diligent in proclaiming Your Name and Your greatness to a lost world.  Help us to be fervent in spirit and to serve You with all our strength.  For we present our bodies to You, Lord, as living and holy sacrifices, acceptable to God, in worship.  Amen.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mark 5:1-20   Jesus leaves the crowds behind and crosses the sea during the evening.  A fierce storm comes up while Jesus is sleeping, and the disciples wake Him up in their panic. With a Word, He calms the storm....and they reach the other side.

Here they are met by a violent man ( Matthew tells us there were 2 men).  The man is incredibly strong.  He is in anguish. He is ought of his mind.  There are so many demons taking up residence in this poor man that they call themselves, "Legion".  When Jesus gives them permission to enter the pigs, we are told that about 2000 of them ran into the sea.  This man had no hope of ever being freed from this miserable life... until Jesus met him there.   I have always loved the thought that Jesus came across the sea, through a storm, for this one divine appointment.  To deliver this man from a legion of evil spirits.  He did it for one person.  He will do amazing things for each of us.

The evil/unclean spirits recognize Jesus immediately.
They bow before Him and cry out to Him.
They identify themselves to Him.
They beg Him for a favor.
They wait for His permission.
They obey His will.

We need to recognize the power of the presence of Jesus Christ.  We live in a world of people filled with hopelessness and pain. some who are violent and out of their minds.  It is only the Presence of Jesus that will deliver men from such spirits.  Even today, as the shocking news of the suicide of Robin Williams causes us great sadness,  I can't help but wonder if he ever heard that Jesus loved him?  The only truth  that could have brought him deliverance... had he only put his trust in Christ.   Oh, how heartbreaking it is to think of hurting, desperate men and women who think that death is going to be any better.   Their only hope is Jesus... in life and in death. We need to take the good news to all people!

The people in Gerasenes did not want Jesus to stay.  Fear filled them, instead of praise and thanksgiving.  But, the freed man was not afraid any longer!  He wanted to go with Jesus.  Instead, Jesus gave him a commission to go tell his people what the Lord had done for him.  And he proclaimed it every where he went.

Jesus, Your Name is power!  Your Name is mighty to save.  You are the rescue for sinners and the ransom from heaven.  You are our only Hope!  Come and reign in us.  Wash us and make us whole again. Free us from the dominion of darkness.  Your Kingdom come.  Your will be done!  Heavenly Father, thank You for salvation in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord.
We are Your children.  We receive all that You have given according to Your lovingkindness and mercy.  Fill our voices with this truth and good news that we might share the hope that is within us with all those we come into contact with.  Give them ears to hear.
In Jesus' Name we pray.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Mark 4 Jesus begins to teach in parables. Stories that are meant to teach truths that believers would listen to and learn from.  Jesus says that His disciples have been "given the mystery of the kingdom of God" but the outsiders "get everything in parables".  These would "see and not perceive;.. hear and not understand..."  Therefore they would not return to God and be forgiven.   Yet even the chosen disciples did not understand the parable of the sower and Jesus had to explain it to them.  Which makes us wonder... who then can be saved?   And the reminder comes... what is impossible to man is possible to God alone!  Salvation is by GRACE through faith, and that is not of ourselves... it is His gift!

We are familiar with the parable of the sower.   He sows the Word. Some of the Word lands on hard soil/hearts... Satan takes it away.   I imagine that would be people who see a billboard or hear an ad that mentions something from the Bible.  They pay no attention.  They never really see it or hear it.  They either don't want to or they refuse to acknowledge it...consciously or unconsciously.

Some of the Word lands on rocky soil/hearts.  They hear it and receive it initially, but there is no root.
Life goes on and it is not always roses and sunshine.  They choose to turn away.  To go back to the life that they once knew.  Habits and attitudes, hurts and fears, are rocks that fill the heart; it takes work to excavate the rocky soil and they would rather not.  There are many people in our world who are like this.  The Word sounds good.  They are hopeful and excited, but they want all of the benefits of salvation with none of the sacrifice and suffering.

Some of the Word falls on thorny soil/hearts.  They hear it and receive it and things are looking good.  But, "the worries of the world and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful."  Anything that chokes out the Word... is a thorn.  When we allow the world to conform us to itself instead of being transformed by the Word of God, we will become unfruitful.  

What are the worries of the world?  Take a look around at all the anxious people - money, jobs, family, health, physical appearance - these things choke us and eat up our time and our thoughts.  Instead of meditating on the fact that our God made everything, knows our needs and knows what is best for us - we worry and fret. 
 The deceitfulness of riches?  It is a lie that money solves any problems.  It is a lie that lack of money causes us fall away from God.   We have money and we want more.  The lie is that more will be better.  But the Word tells us the truth - that there is contentment in Christ alone.  That we cannot serve God and money.  It is the same lie that Satan fed Adam and Eve in the garden; that what we can't have is better than all the blessings that we already have!
The desire for things?  What things do we want more than God or His Word?  These are idols.
What things eat up our quiet times in the Word.  What things make us want to forget all about church and prayer and reading His Word.  These things will choke our hearts and souls and render us worthless! Unfruitfulness = worthlessness. 

But some of the Word falls on good soil/hearts.  They hear the word. They "accept" the Word. They receive it and delight in it.  They allow it to penetrate into their lives and take root.  To grow and to thrive.  These people don't stop removing the rocks, even though it is hard work and it takes a struggle and sacrifice.  They don't stop pulling up the thorny weeds - whisking away the weeds of worry and discontentment .  Pulling down the idols that steal away the life in Christ.  And the fruit comes - love and peace, patience and kindness, gentleness and self-control, joy and goodness, and faithfulness.

This kind of fruit is not hidden, but revealed.  This kind of seed grows like the mustard seed - like a large tree that provides shelter for the little ones in the nests.

Again this is not something that WE can make happen. Verses 26-29 tell us that God's kingdom is like a man who sows.  He goes to bed and the seed sprouts, it grows, it matures, and it bears fruit.  He doesn't control any of that... but he gets to enjoy the harvest.   God makes it happen. Yet we have a part - we must use our ears to hear!

Father in heaven,  giver of life and truth.  Give us ears to hear and a will to listen to the Shepherd's voice. Let Your Word be the Light for our paths and the Lamp for our feet today.  May we receive it with open hearts,  please remove the rocks and thorns today. We ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mark 3 After the Pharisees start their plotting against Jesus, He goes down to the sea with His disciples.  So many people crowd around Him that He calls for a boat to keep from getting crushed.  They came from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, from beyond the Jordan, and as far as Tyre and Sidon. The word had spread far and wide... a Healer had come to Israel!  The unclean spirits cried out before Him and fell at His feet.  Never before and never after this has there been One who did the wonders that Jesus did. 

Verses 13 -19  Jesus chooses the 12 men to be His appointed disciples.  He summons them to the mountain and they come to Him.  He wants them to :
-be with Him
-go out to preach
-have authority to cast out demons
He chooses 12 men, diverse in many ways. Simon - the Rock: James and John - the sons of thunder;
Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas - the betrayer.  They were with Him for 3 years.  They were sent out on at least 2 occasions that are recorded.  They cast out demons.  Yet, what amazes us most is that Judas is one of these chosen few.  He had been summoned.. he had come. He had seen the Kingdom of God- close up and personal.  But, then he turns his back on it all - and becomes the son of perdition.   Did he ever truly have faith in Jesus?  What made him lose it?  What made him turn away?
Or maybe it would be better to ask, what made the 11 stay?  What happened in their hearts that kept them following Jesus all the days of their lives?  Grace?
We need that same grace!

Verses 20-35  There are 2 groups of people who are challenging Jesus in this passage .  One group is the family of Jesus, the other is the scribes.  One group thinks He is crazy, the other thinks He is possessed. Both are wrong.  

"And when His own people heard... they went out to take custody of Him; for they were saying, 'He has lost His senses' "  ( v21) In verses 31-33 we find out that Mary and the brothers of Jesus came and stood outside the house and sent word for Him to come out to them.  When Jesus received the message, He answered " Who are My mother and My brothers?"  He proclaims a new relationship - "For whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother."
The earthly family that Jesus was born into - thought He was crazy and wanted to control Him.  They didn't believe.... even Mary, it seems, was having difficulty believing at this time.
Jesus would never stop loving and caring for them, but He knew that they would have to come to Him in faith, believing in His deity instead of just His humanity.  They needed to repent of their unbelief.   Those who were sitting at His feet, were already there - doing the will of God - believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

The second group, the scribes, thought that Jesus was possessed by Satan.  Jesus reasons with them, proving that their theory is dead wrong.   A demon cannot cast out a demon.  Satan can't cast out himself.  A kingdom divided - falls.  A house divided - falls.  Satan divided - falls!
Only one who is stronger can plunder the weaker.  The Holy Spirit, Who is greater than any evil spirit,  overcomes Satan.   To give that glory to Satan is blaspheming.  The scribes were guilty of an eternal sin - saying that Jesus, the Son of God, had an unclean spirit and not the Holy Spirit.

Jesus revealed in every thing He did and said - that He is the Son of God, the Messiah, the Christ.
He calls us to follow Him, to believe in Him.  This is the "will of God".   It is by His Grace that we are called and by faith that we receive this new relationship - to be His brother and sister and mother.
This is the good news!

Some hear and think this is crazy.  Some hear and think it is evil.  But those who hear and believe, who lay down their lives and take up their cross and follow Him - those are the ones who have eternal life.  The 11 disciples did this.  One turned away.

Father in heaven,  let us never turn away from following Jesus!  Hold us in Your Hands and keep us by Your grace. We love You and believe in Jesus, Your Son, as Lord and King! Thank You for calling us and thank You for keeping us.  Thank You for being merciful and patient and kind.
Let Your Name be honored and lifted up.  Let Your will be done and Your kingdom come.  Give to us all we need for today.  Forgive us for every sin. Lead us in Your paths.  Deliver us from the evil one.
In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mark 3 : 1-6    Jesus goes to a synagogue.  Here is a place to worship.  To hear the Word of God read. To meet with God.  But, the scribes and Pharisees were ready to spring their trap on Him.  ".. and a man was there with a withered hand."  They had 2 motives for having this man present - first so that they could see what Jesus would do- and second, so that they could accuse Him of  violating the Law.

Jesus calls for the man to come to Him.  He does not blame the man or ignore the challenge, even though He knows what this is all about.  " Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill?"  Jesus wants them to stop focusing on the "work" aspect of the Sabbath - it is not about lifting a tool or doing any sort of labor.  The purpose of the Sabbath was always about man's "good".   It was about resting from labor, yes, but for man's benefit.  It wasn't supposed to be a burden, but a delight!
His question turns the focus on what is important - to do good or to do harm;  to save a life or take a life;  what is God's will in those acts?  It is always to do good and to save others!  Always... even on a holy day.  

The Pharisees "kept silent".  They couldn't answer His question, for they wouldn't admit that they were wrong.  The Law was more important to them than the will of God.  It had become their god, and they refused the Truth... even though they had to know that what Jesus said was right.   This made Jesus angry!  He "grieved at their hardness of heart.." Their willful rebellion against their Creator.

With compassion and grace, Jesus restored the withered hand of this man.  What an amazing miracle!
A useless, deformed, and disabling hand... made perfect.   Instead of praising God, the Pharisees immediately walk out of the synagogue and begin to make plans to destroy Jesus.   They were blind to the Presence of God and to His amazing grace and glorious majesty and set on keeping themselves in charge of all things religious....they wanted to sit on the throne, not bow to Him Who is King!

From Tozer's book The Knowledge of the Holy - "Sin has many manifestations but its essence is one.  A moral being, created to worship before the throne of God, sits on the throne of his own selfhood and from that elevated position declares, 'I AM'.  That is sin in its concentrated essence ; yet because it is natural it appears to be good."    When we refuse to accept the sovereignty of God, refuse to dethrone ourselves - our own desires, will, and even moral decisions - that is sin. 

This is what the Pharisees were doing.  This is what we all do.... until we are confronted with the Gospel and realize that we are not the king of our own lives - for God is our King.  He is our Creator and everything came from Him and is dependent upon Him.  And as Tozer goes on to say - that rebellious thinking, which is the same as Lucifer's, must be reversed by our Lord Jesus,  the old self nailed to the cross, crucified with Him Who bore our sins that we might have forgiveness and freedom .

Father in Heaven,  You are our Creator and God.  You and You alone can rule righteously and perfectly - in all holiness and goodness.  We are like sheep, we have gone astray, we have wanted to do things our own way - instead of bowing in worship and obedience before You.   Oh forgive us.  Convict us, Holy Spirit, of any rebellious thoughts or attitudes in our hearts!  Turn us away from self and sin.  We worship You.  We yield to You.  Thank You for saving us and setting us free from the dominion and blindness of sin and rebellion against Your will.   Thank You for the Truth that Your will is always to do good and to save. Your will is good and acceptable and perfect!  Transform us, renew and renovate and refashion our minds so that we can discern Your will individually.  We ask this in Your Name, King Jesus, amen.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mark 2    Four times, Mark records in this chapter, the scribes/Pharisees ask - "Why?"

v7 "Why does this man speak that way?"
v16 "Why is He eating and drinking with tax-gatherers and sinners?"
v18 "Why do John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisee's fast, but Your disciples do not fast?"
v24 "Why are they doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?"

They questioned His words, His associations, His religious teaching, and His disciple's devotion.
He only had one question for them here, verse 7 "Why are you reasoning about these things in your hearts?"

Their questions focused on the outward actions.  His focused on what was going on inside them. 
They were looking for reasons to criticize and condemn.  He was directing them to look at their own sinful hearts.
They examined Him with much scrutiny and compared Him to their own standards.
He wanted them to examine themselves and see how far short they came from the Father's standards. 

He answered their questions.
He spoke that way - because He had the authority to forgive sin.
He ate with those in need, because that is why He came. "It is not those who are healthy that need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners."
His disciples did not fast, because He was still with them.
They ate on the Sabbath because He is the "Lord even of the Sabbath".

They couldn't answer His question.  They refused to acknowledge that there was sin in their hearts. Later on Jesus would tell them that they were like "white-washed tombs" - beautiful on the outside but full of decaying flesh and bones on the inside.  And such we are...
If we do not examine ourselves... if we don't acknowledge our own sins... we will never find healing and forgiveness.  We will never be cleansed and set free, as long as we are looking at others and not our own hearts.

Oh Father in Heaven, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.  We cannot condemn others, not can we look to You for forgiveness, until we acknowledge before You and confess our sins.  We examine our hearts today and agree with You that we are poor sinners in need of Your grace.  Cleanse us that we may be whiter than snow... thank You Lord for Your amazing grace.  Thank You that Jesus came to call sinners to salvation.  We were lost but now are found!
We commit to following You, Jesus!  All the days of our lives... we are Yours.  Bring glory to the Name of the Father! For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever! Amen

Monday, August 4, 2014

Mark 2   Jesus is home in Capernaum and many are gathered to hear Him, when a group of four men bring their paralyzed friend to be healed.  The crowd is so large that they can't get in the door, so they come through the roof.    Have we ever wanted to get to Jesus that much?  Especially, on account of a helpless, hopeless, disabled friend?   We let busyness or business stand in the way... we let people and things stand in the way... we let feelings and problems stand in our way...we let pride and selfishness stand in our way.   The friends of this man cared enough to rip open the roof of the house!  They didn't let anything stop them from bringing their friend to Jesus.  No wonder Jesus noticed their faith!

But, did they expect the words that came out of Jesus' mouth?  Probably not! "My son,your sins are forgiven."  Jesus went straight to the heart of the matter.  This young man had a greater need than his physical paralysis.  He was headed for hell.  Jesus startled the people gathered around Him.  The scribes immediately accused Him of blaspheming. They couldn't get their minds around what Jesus was doing.  He addresses their concerns immediately.  " Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven'; or to say, 'Arise and take up your pallet and walk?' But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" - He said to the paralytic- 'I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.' "

Jesus healed the body of the young man in order that they would know that He could also heal the soul.  The greater need is forgiveness of sin.  As difficult, as awful as it was, especially in those days, for a young man to be paralyzed, the need for salvation if more important.

Father in heaven,  how amazing You are!  You have given to us a Savior, Your Son, to forgive our sins.  Thank You!   Oh let us not allow anything to get in our way, to keep us from Jesus!  Let nothing get in our way to bringing the ones we love to Jesus! Help us to put aside the concerns of this world, to put aside our worries and fears, our pride, our things.... and see the urgency of bringing our friends to You!  You are our only hope, Lord.  Bring Your kingdom, do Your will, and let Your Name be praised and glorified!  Amen.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Mark 1 " The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God."
The gospel - the good message.  Verse 15 " The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."  The time had come, the waiting was over,  centuries had passed in anticipation of this day.  Galatians 4:4 " But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son..." There is a completion of the waiting period.  Something new was beginning.  Jesus proclaims that it is now the time for the "kingdom of God".  No longer would God's kingdom be just a future or heavenly concept.... the Kingdom came to earth in the Presence  and in the Person of the King of kings.

This Kingdom is like no other.  For, men are not born into it, nor are they enslaved and dragged there.
No, we must come into the Kingdom, willingly, meeting the requirements of citizenship... first we must repent and secondly we must believe.  John had preached " a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins." Those who came to be baptized by John confessed their sins.  They acknowledged that they were sinners and they were baptized - overwhelmed with repentance.  In that confession and repentance they found forgiveness.  Jesus calls His followers to this same repentance. A confession, an acknowledgement of one's own sin and a act of renouncing and turning away from that sinful life.  Then He calls them to believe.  Believe the gospel, the good news. Believe in His Kingship.  Put faith in His Words and to entrust ones self to Him.

Jesus began His Kingship by calling for men to follow Him.   He called Simon and Andrew, James and John as He walked along the Sea of Galilee.  He came into the synagogue and taught with authority.  He rebuked demons and healed the sick.  He had compassion on the leper and cleansed him of his disease.  His calling extended to all who would hear His voice and follow.

In Matthew, Mark, and Luke when Jesus is before Pilate and he is asked "Are you the King of the Jews?" it is record that Jesus answered, " It is as you say."  But, John writes this, " My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting that I might not be delivered up to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."  Pilate asks "So You are a king?" And Jesus answers, " You say correctly that I am a king.  For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice. "   In Luke 22:69 Jesus, speaking to the Sanhedrin says, " But from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the Right Hand of the power of God."  

The Kingdom of God has come.  In Matthew 12:28 Jesus said, " But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, the the kingdom of God has come upon you."  The Pharisees had accused Jesus of being part of Satan's kingdom.  Jesus told them that if He was then He wouldn't be able to cast them out.  But since He did cast them out, then that proved that a greater Kingdom was there, for a greater King binds the lesser one.  Paul wrote in his prayer found in Colossians 1:13 " For He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son."

Jesus is King.  He was born for that purpose.  All things were created by Him and for Him.  Every throne, dominion, ruler, and authority, on earth or in heaven are His and under His rule.  He sits on the throne. He rules His Kingdom and that is the good news... the gospel. There was a set time for the beginning of this good news and there is a set time for Him to come again.  He will come as King and every knee will bow.  What a day that will be!

King Jesus, come quickly.  Amen.