Friday, March 14, 2014

Psalm 38 David writes about his lowest point.  He feels rebuked and chastened by God, weighed down by his own sin and burdens, wounded and rejected by his loved ones, and hunted by his enemies.   His body is groaning and his heart is broken.  He can't speak, he can't even hear what anyone is saying, he is so distraught and anxious and empty.  We've been there.  I know people who are at that point right now.  They have no desire for anything and like David feel like they have the "plague".
David says, " I am benumbed and badly crushed; I groan because of the agitation of my heart.  Lord, all my desire is before Thee; And my sighing is not hidden from Thee; My heart throbs, my strength fails me; And the light of my eyes, even that has gone from me." ( 8-10).   As low as one can go, sinking into depression and grief.

But David does not forget Who it is that he serves.  "For I hope in Thee, O Lord; Thou wilt answer, O Lord my God." v15
He confesses his own sins and hands over the others to the Lord.  He takes care of the beam in his own eye and lets the Lord take care of the specks and beams in the eyes of his enemies.
"Do not forsake me , O Lord; O my God, do not be far from me! Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation." v21-22

When we have no more strength to fight the good fight.  When we are struggling in the dark and feel that even God has turned against us. Even when we don't want to go on... God is our hope and our salvation.  We can hope in Him.  He will never, no never, forsake us.  He will hasten to help us. We  only have to remember.  Remember Who we serve. Pray the simple prayer of the Canaanite woman, "Lord, help me!" Let God affirm in your heart what David did - "For I hope in Thee, O Lord; Thou wilt answer, O Lord my God."  

Father in heaven,  You are our hope. You are our help. You are our salvation.  It does not depend on us mustering up the strength to believe or even on the degree of our faith.  It depends on the fact that You are faithful!  You are able and willing to hasten to be with us.  Help us Lord !   Help us to remember Who it is that we serve.  You are the Creator of heaven and earth.  You hold the oceans in Your hands.  You know the stars by name!  You know our hearts. You know our sorrows and fears and sighs and groans.  Make us to remember and put our hope in You !  Lead us beside the still waters and give us rest in Jesus Christ, our Shepherd.  Thank You Abba.

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