Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Matthew18- 19  The Kingdom life is not exactly easy, nor does it come "naturally" to our fallen worldly instincts.  In fact it is IMPOSSIBLE for us, "but with God all things are possible" !!!

It is hard for us to humble ourselves like children.. in order to enter the kingdom.  But that is what God requires. (18:3)

It is hard for us to sacrifice what we desire, to die to self,  to cut off our offending hands or feet, to pluck out our eyes.... in order to enter into life.. into the Kingdom.  But that is what Jesus teaches.
 ( 18:7-9)

It is really hard to forgive those who have offended us... over and over and over again. But that is what our Father desires for us to do. (18:21-35)

It is hard for us to "leave... and cleave" in marriage. To overcome hard-heartedness when our love has grown cold.  But that is what God desires for us.  ( 19:3-10)

It is hard to give up riches and possessions and follow Jesus.  But that is what is necessary in order to be completely His. (19:16-24)

It is impossible to keep every commandment perfectly, to love completely, to forgive always, or to give sacrificially on our own.... but with God, all things are possible.  And as we walk this path with Jesus we will find that the reward is worth the effort!  For there is coming a day when "the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne."  And that day is coming soon, I believe. "And anyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name's sake shall receive many times as much and shall inherit eternal life."

Father in Heaven, You are the Refiner and Purifier of our souls.  You desire to remove all the "dross" from our lives.  Your thoughts are above our thoughts.  Your ways are above our ways.  Your boundless love for us seeks to make us pure like silver... that we might reflect Your glory more and more.  You require hard things from us, things that are impossible for us to do by our own volition, so that we must come to You and allow You to do all that You desire in us. It is with trembling that we come and ask.. Lord, refine us.  Thank You for loving us so much!  Thank You for the promise of eternal life... a joy set before us... that makes every sacrifice, every "light affliction" bearable, for they produce in us "an eternal weight of glory far beyond comparison,"( II Cor.4:17). Thank You that when we come through the refining fire.. the result will be more precious than gold.. and will result in "praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ" ( I Peter 1:6-7) O Lord, may we be found ready on that day! Let Your will be done and Your kingdom come!  Amen.

There burns a fire with sacred heat,
white hot with holy flame,
And all who dare pass through its blaze
will not emerge the same.
Some as bronze and some as silver,
some as gold, 
then with great skill,
All are hammered by their sufferings
on the anvil of His will.

The Refiner's fire has now become my soul's desire,
Purged and cleansed and purified,
that the Lord be glorified;
He is consuming my soul,
refining me, making me whole.
No matter what I lose, 
I choose the Refiner's fire. 

I'm learning now to trust His touch,
to crave the fire's embrace, 
And though my past with sin was etched,
His mercies did erase.
Each time His purging cleanses deeper,
I'm not sure that I'll survive;
Yet the strength in growing weaker
keeps my hungry soul alive. 
( Jon Mohr and Randall Dennis)

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