Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Matthew 13  Jesus continues speaking in parables, fulfilling the prophecy that "I will open my mouth in parables;" which is a quote from Psalm 78:2.  The rest of that statement, " I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world", does not appear in that psalm.  The closest thing I can find to this is in Daniel 2:22 " It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him."  and verse 28 " However, there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries..."  In other words this is another proof that Jesus is God, for only God can reveal these mysteries.
These parables are given:

v31-32 "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed..."  A small seed that becomes a large tree.  A tree that provides a home for the birds that come and nest there.
v33 talks about the kingdom of heaven being like a bit of leaven, hid in the dough to make it rise.
Both of these talk of expansion or growth.  Something small, unremarkable, and easily overlooked, but powerfully transformed and of significant benefit.

v44 The kingdom of heaven is described here to be like a wonderful treasure, discovered in a field, hidden again until the man can sell all he has to purchase the field and claim the treasure.
v45-46 The kingdom of heaven "is like a merchant" who buys pearls. When finds one that is of "great value", he sells everything else in order to buy this one.

The final example is found in verses 47-50 where the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet, it is used to gather fish of every kind, but when it is filled the fish are sorted into those that are good and those that are thrown away.

So Jesus has revealed that the kingdom of heaven is like: a sower, a seed, leaven, treasure, a merchant, and a dragnet.  It is mysterious.....
But we can draw some conclusions about these "profound and hidden things".

The Kingdom of heaven is not loud, showy, full of fanfare, or even obvious.
The Kingdom of heaven is not cheap, it costs everything, but it is obtainable by anyone.
The Kingdom of heaven is only for those considered "good".   The bad seeds and the bad fish are thrown out.  Only those that are righteous are saved.

We can't come to the Kingdom accidentally or casually.  We must seek it. We must give up everything we have to get it. We must be redeemed, made righteous by Jesus' standards in order to stay in it. 

The Jews thought that they were born into the kingdom of God because they were Israelites.  But they were wrong.  Just like their ancestors in the past, they were unfaithful and rebellious.  They wanted Jesus to give them a show.  But He gave them a seed.  They wanted all the treasure, but they didn't want to pay the price of surrender. They thought that it didn't matter if you were a tare ( a weed) and not true wheat, as long as you were in the field.  Or if you were a bad fish, as long as you were in the net.  They didn't believe that they would be judged for their sinful hearts.

But Jesus taught otherwise.  Lord, give us ears to hear and hearts to receive Your Word.

Father,  plant the Word of the Kingdom deep in our hearts.  We seek You.  We surrender all that we have (which is only what You have given us in the first place) to seek You first and Your kingdom and Your righteousness.  And Father, forgive us our sins and debts and trespasses.  Forgive all of our unrighteous, self-righteous, sinfulness.  Redeem us and cleanse us with the blood of the Lamb of God, our Mighty Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. Thank You Jesus for revealing the hidden things to us. That we might know our Father and You our King.  amen.

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