Monday, March 17, 2014

Matthew 16  For the second time the Pharisees come to Jesus and ask Him for a sign, a miracle on demand, to prove Himself.  For the second time Jesus says, " An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah." (16:4 and 12:39)   Jesus refused their bait.  He called their teaching- leaven.  The disciples think that Jesus is talking about bread, but He corrects their conclusions.  He is talking about leaven- yeast, that which ferments.  That which subtly changes and takes over. Their false teaching had permeated every aspect of their religion.  They were so zealous about their own ideas and traditions that they were missing the miracles right before their own eyes.

As they walk, Jesus begins to ask His disciples some questions.  He is leading them to a correct conclusion. And a wonderful Truth:
Others, they responded, think that Jesus is John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or another prophet.  They think He is an imitation, a replica.  But, Peter confesses, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." A revelation from the Father, Jesus says.  This is the foundation of the church that Jesus will build.  The church that Hades cannot overpower.  The church where the kingdom keys will be found.  And "from that time Jesus Christ began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and the chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day."

This is the first time since chapter 1:1 that Matthew has used the title "Jesus Christ".  The proclamation by Peter deeply affected all the disciples.  There is a hush, an air of the Divine, a sense of being in the Presence of the Holy God.  Like Moses at the burning bush, we are on holy ground right here.  This is a significant turning point in this Gospel.  Here is the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the rock on which the church was built and continues to be built.  The rock on which we stand.  No sign on demand could produce the Church of Jesus Christ or usher in the Kingdom of Heaven.   Only " Jesus Christ" who willingly suffered death on a cross to pay for our sins, to redeem us, to cleanse us and make us whole; Who rose again on the 3rd day - the True sign of Jonah.  This is the proof that the religious leaders really needed and that some of them later received by faith.

No wonder Satan was desperate to rebuke Him through Peter's words.

Not only does Jesus reveal His coming death,  but He teaches His disciples that the cost of following Him will mean that they must also be willing to die.  " If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself and take us his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it."  There is no profit, Jesus says, that is worth losing your soul for.  "For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and will then recompense every man according to his deeds."

That takes us back to Psalm 39 and David's prayer to know that life is short, a mere breath... for an eternity with God is of so much more value than anything we can hold onto in this world.  Even our own lives.

King of all the earth,  one day You will once again stand upon the Mount of Olives.  You will come "in the glory of the Father".   You will usher in Your Kingdom in all of its fulness.  And we long for that day! No more strife, no more war, no more poverty, no more pain. Your Kingdom is righteous and peaceful.  Your Kingdom is glorious and filled with love.  Your Kingdom come, Lord Jesus!
Father in heaven, help us as we wait for that day.  Help us to be willing to lay down our lives and take up our crosses and follow Jesus, no matter what the cost.  Like Peter and the other disciples we must stand on the Truth that Jesus is the Christ, He is Your Son, and that His death and resurrection are our only hope for real life. Life that You give us by Your grace through faith.
Thank You Father for such a marvelous salvation.

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