Thursday, March 6, 2014

Matthew 14  John the Baptist was killed by Herod and John's disciples came to tell Jesus.  Jesus withdrew from the crowd, going away to a "lonely place".  But before He has time to be alone, He is met by a multitude  of people.  Jesus reacts with compassion for them and He heals those that are sick.  He also provides food for this crowd of over 5000, by taking 5 loaves and 2 fish and handing it out through the hands of His disciples.
Finally, Jesus sends them all away, including His disciples and spends His time alone in prayer.
Early the next morning Jesus walks across the water to be with His disciples.  When Peter asks to join Him, Jesus allows it.  When Peter doubts and begins to sink, Jesus reaches out His hand and rescues him.
After they reach the shore at Gennesaret, Jesus is immediately recognized and the people bring all their sick to Him, they entreat Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak.  Again they are cured when they touch Him.

Jesus is revealed to be Lord, Master of all, in this passage.  He is the compassionate healer, the miraculous provider, the supreme controller, and the generous giver.  But most dear to my heart is His   is example of grieving friend.  No doubt that Jesus loved John, his cousin.   He knew John's destiny to die in such a sad and hideous manner. But the news, all the same, caused Him sadness.  Yet even in His sorrow, He served others.

These great miracles were the "signs" that the Pharisees should have noticed! Multiplying food, walking on water, healing the sick.  But they weren't done for show.  They were done out of compassion. Pity. Grief.  Jesus sees us in the same way that He saw the multitude that day.
He sees our sickness and has compassion to heal us.
He sees us sinking and reaches out His hand to rescue us.
He sees our sorrow and grieves with us, and comforts us.
Do we recognize Him?  "And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent into all that surrounding district and brought to Him all who were sick; and they began to entreat Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were cured."

This is what we are also doing when we tell others about Jesus.  Do we recognize the Lord Who heals with compassion, Who provides with power, Who rules over nature, and Who loves without limit? Oh, my faith is faltering sometimes like Peter!  Help Lord!  I don't want to doubt, but to trust and obey.  To bring those in need to You, that they might touch You too.
I bring to You those who are sick and entreat You to heal.
I bring to You those who are sinking and ask You to rescue.
I bring to You those who are grieving and ask You to comfort.
I bring to You those who are hungry and ask You to provide.
Have mercy on us, precious Savior.
Command us to come and walk with You and increase our faith to walk where we cannot go alone.
We worship You and know that You are the Son of God, King of kings and Lord of lords.

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