Monday, July 8, 2013

Psalm 123 "To Thee I lift up my eyes, O Thou who art enthroned in the heavens."   This is prayer, the essence of communication with God, the reality of relationship with our Creator and Savior.  He is "enthroned in the heavens".  Matthew Henry's Commentary says that we are reminded of this truth by the Lord's Prayer model, "Our Father, Who art in Heaven".   This is the place where "He manifests His glory".  A place of power and of prospective.  The place of authority and holiness.  A place where His throne is established.  A throne to which we can bring our appeals to when we are in need.
  Our part is to "lift" our eyes.  We look to Him.  We watch and wait on Him. We direct our thoughts heavenward.  " our eyes wait on The Lord, the eye of desire and prayer, the begging eye, and the eye of dependence, hope, and expectation, the longing eye."  He is our only Hope.  "We desire mercy from Him, we hope He will show us mercy, and we will continue our attendance on him till mercy come."
This is prayer.   Not a ritual, not a recitation of names and needs.  Not a stab in the dark, scream from a foxhole, or wishes on a star.   This is the deeply profound experience of a child, a servant, a creation, coming humbly, yet boldly, to the feet of the Holy One, Who loves us and Who can help us with every need.  It is looking up into His Face, meeting His Eyes, and expressing what is on our minds and in our hearts. Knowing that He already knows, but that He wants to share in this time with us. That He alone is able to perfectly guide, help, bless, and keep us.
Yes, I lift my eyes to You Lord, to You who is on Your Throne in Heaven.  Amen.

Hebrews 10  Since the old covenant has been replaced by the New Covenant , then the old system of sacrifices is no longer needed.  In fact the Word says that God takes no pleasure in them.   Instead this "order" is taken away and the new order is established.  "By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."  His offering is for all time, for all sins, for all those who are sanctified.  Sanctified - made holy.  Forgiven. Cleansed. Righteous.
And since this is true, we have "confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus..."to the throne! To the feet of the Father, to the One enthroned in the heavens. This is why I can do as the psalmist said, and lift my eyes to look at Him.  Thank You Jesus for making the way open, for ripping the veil, for washing my sins away to be remembered no more.  I am Your child, Your servant, Your creation, and I lift my eyes toward You. Thank you. Glory to You.  Blessings and Honor to Your Name. Amen. 

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