Monday, July 8, 2013

Psalm 123 When we lift our eyes to The Lord, when we watch Him closely, to obey as carefully as a servant does his master or a maid her mistress, when " our eyes look to The Lord our God". ... what is it that we see?  Grace.   "Until He shall be gracious to us."   The prayer becomes a prayer for Grace.  "Be gracious to us, O Lord, be gracious to us".  Grace is the title of a book by Max Lucado.  It is a wonderful overview of the broadness of the grace of God.  Listen to the chapter titles:
The Grace-shaped life
The God Who stoops
O Sweet Exchange
You can rest now
Wet Feet
Grace on the Fringe
Coming clean with God
Unscrooged Hearts
Chosen Children
Heaven Guaranteed
Yes Grace brings us to Him, who sits on the throne in Heaven.  To all He is, to all He does, to the One Who loves to be gracious to us. Watch His hand. Ask for Him to be gracious and then watch until He scoops out grace for you. 
Thank You Gracious Father! I lift my eyes to You. 

Hebrews 10  Because Jesus opened a new way into the holy place, the place of God's presence, through His flesh and since He is our high priest, THEN we can :
draw near with sincere faith
have full assurance of faith
our hearts are sprinkled CLEAN
our bodies washed with pure water
to hold fast our unwavering hope
For He is faithful. 
Because this is true we need to encourage each other to love and do good. We must meet together to help and encourage one another.  For the day is drawing near!

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