Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hebrews 11 Faith, the assurance of what we hope for, the conviction of things we do not see.  Faith, well is sometimes a hard concept to grasp, at least for me.  Do I have it? Or don't I? How can I measure it? Where do I find it?  I want it. I think I have it, but am I fooling myself?   Am I the only one who struggles with this?
Faith - Greek word pistis - persuasion, credence, conviction, reliance, constancy in the profession ( of reliance on Christ for salvation).  Assurance - Greek word hupostasis - a setting under, a support, essence, confidence, substance.  Compound of 2 words - hupo - under, beneath, or below and histemi - to stand, abide, appoint, .. establish, hold up, present.   Hope - elpis to anticipate, expectation, confidence. Conviction - elegchos - proof, conviction, evidence, reproof.
Faith  is then being convinced and persuaded.  It comes underneath us and supports and hold us up. It gives us hope, confidence and anticipation of that which we don't see yet, the promise of salvation and eternal life in Christ Jesus.  Romans 8:23-24 says that we eagerly wait for "our adoption as sons the redemption of our body."  It is "in hope we have been saved".  In anticipation of the unseen.  Eagerly awaiting all the fullness of salvation in Jesus.
Faith, we are told in Hebrews 11, brings approval- gives a testimony - to be a witness, testify, bear record,  give evidence.
Faith also brings understanding.  Understanding of Who God is, the Creator Who spoke everything into existance out of nothing.
Faith is what pleases God, for it is by faith that we come to God.  We believe that He Is.  We believe that He wants us to seek Him.  We believe "He is a rewarder of those who seek Him".  Rewarder - misthapodotes -a renumerator - one who repays or recompenses, pays for services.  He counts our faith as having value and worth.  It earns something in His sight.
What Grace we have in our God and in Christ Jesus.  For it is by faith we are saved.  It is by faith that we stand, and it is by faith that we walk.  Simple but complex. Oh for grace to trust You more!

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