Thursday, July 11, 2013

Psalm 121 The Lord is my helper.  The Lord is my keeper.  The Lord is my protector.  The Lord is my guard.  The Lord is my.. shade? Isaiah 25: 4 " For Thou hast been a defense for the helpless, A defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat".  On a recent walk with my grandchildren, we found ourselves looking for the shadiest paths to bring relief from the heat of our Florida sun.  Even in the early morning or just before sunset, the July sun can be brutal.  Shade = shadow.  Ps. 16:8 "Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings." and Ps. 91:1 says " He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." To be in the shadow/shade of a tree as we walked we had to be close to it, underneath it.  We had to seek it and receive it for ourselves.  To find our shade in The Lord the need is the same.  We seek Him, we come close and under Him, we receive what He freely offers.  Relief, help, protection, blessing.  Thank You Lord for Your loving protection and care for me.  You neither slumber nor sleep, You know me and care for me always, day or night, in or out, good times or bad. I lift my eyes to You, seeking You and finding shade. Bless Your holy Name.

Hebrews 11
The "men of old" gained approval by their faith.  They were persuaded and confidant that God would do what He said, even when they couldn't see it.  These men pleased God, for they believed that He spoke the worlds into being, that He lived and loved and "paid" them for their faithfulness.
The writer of Hebrews gives us in this famous chapter a listing real life examples of faith that pleased God:
Abel pleased God by offering a sacrifice that testified of his righteousness.
Enoch pleased God by walking with Him.
Noah pleased God by listening and obeying, building an ark.
Abraham pleased God by obediently going out to a place that was unknown to him, living in a foreign land, waiting for the promise he could not see.
Sarah also pleased God by conceiving a child in her old age, believing that God would do what He said.
There is more here to absorb, but the grandchildren beckon....  Oh Lord be my shade today!

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