Monday, July 8, 2013

Hebrews 10:26- 39 "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God".   Think of it.  Our Creator. The One Who rules all of Heaven and earth.  The One who sends wind and rain and withholds it by His will.  The One who does the impossible and who never grows weary or tired.  Everything is His.  All creation, all of the universe and beyond, is in His Hands.   And the writer tells us that we will be terrified to fall into His Hands. Why? Because when He judges,  he judges righteously. "The wages of sin is death".  
  We have only one hope and that is Jesus.  If we "trample underfoot the Son of God and (have) reguarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which (we are) sanctified, and (have) insulted the Spirit of grace"  (v29) .  Then we deserve a worse punishment, a "terrifying expectation of judgement".  
Instead, we need to cling to Jesus.  To know that we have a "better possession and an abiding one".
To endure, to do the will of God, to receive His promises.  Live by faith, don't shrink back. Be assured that what we hope for, we will receive.  See the evidence in the lives of the "men of old". 
Believe that God is and that He will reward those who seek Him. 
Oh be careful my friends.  Walk by faith and don't shrink back. Don't ignore or reject the "knowledge of the truth".  Don't trample on Jesus or insult the Spirit of grace. The "blood of the covenant" is the blood of Jesus, poured out for us, for forgiveness of our sins.  It is sacred and holy.  Don't think that it is common or profane.  Be among those who say, " But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul".  Amen!

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