Wednesday, March 6, 2024

 Daniel 8  Once again Daniel was given a vision of the future that was more than he could understand and that terrified him.  This time the future kingdoms are revealed as animals... The first was a ram which had 2 horns.. one larger than the other. We learn that this represents the Medes and the Persians.  Then a male goat comes from the west and overcomes the ram. This represents Alexander the great and the Greek empire. After Alexander's untimely death the kingdom is divided into 4 sections, represented by the 4 horns. One of these, the "rather small horn".. becomes greater and targets Israel.  This is believed to represent Antiochus IV Epiphanes.  Antiochus desecrated Jerusalem, offered unclean sacrifices in the Temple and commanded the Jews to eat unclean food.. swine's flesh. 

Daniel is told that there would be 2,300 evenings and mornings until the temple would be restored. This could represent 2,300 days.. or it talking about the sacrifices offered morning and would be half that. So, either 3 or 6 years.  Either way, it was fulfilled when Judas Maccabeus restored the Temple in 164 BC.  

So, why was this vision given to Daniel? And what are we meant to learn from it now?  The Bible knowledge Commentary suggests that Antiochus is a foreshadowing of the Antichrist. As Antiochus came against Israel, so will the Antichrist.  The first opposed the One True God and defiled the Temple. The second will oppose the Lord Jesus Christ and will be terminated by His divine judgement.  Just as we see the literal fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy for Israel in those days.. we will see the literal fulfillment of this final opposition against our God and the final judgement against Satan and his minions. 

Perhaps Daniel was simply meant to record these visions just to keep them for future reference.  It took a lot out of him.. we are told that he was "exhausted and sick for days".  This vision happened while Belshazzar was the acting king.. and we know that Daniel confronted Belshazzar a few years later when the writing on the wall incident occurred.  Daniel's attitude, character, and inner strength and calmness..never changed in his life time.. even in his old age. He did not fear Belshazzar or any king.. for he knew that their time would come and another kingdom would come.. ultimately the Kingdom of God.. and in this truth he rested.  Daniel never made it back to Israel during his lifetime.. but he had no worries about that.. for he knew a much better kingdom was coming and he would be there forever!

Father in heaven,  let Your kingdom come! Keep our eyes fixed on You and our hearts faithful .. as we rest in Your Truth. Thank You that Christ Jesus our King is coming again. May it be soon. Amen. 

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