Thursday, March 21, 2024

 Ephesians 6  This chapter continues to show what a walk of love.. as children of light... looks like in the life of believers.  We saw in chapter 5 that a husband reflects Christ as he loves, cherishes, and leads his wife into holy and glory filled living.  The wife reflects Christ as she comes under the covering of her husband and respects his leadership. 

Now, Paul talks about the parent/child relationship.  Children are called to obey their parents "in the Lord for this is right".  To honor your parents is a commandment with a promise. A child who wants to please the Lord will have respect and honor for his or her parents.  The fathers are given the responsibility not only for their wives, but for their children too.  The command is to "bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." ( v4)  This also, is a reflection of Christ who leads us with His words and His example. 

Christ - like relationships extend beyond just family members. In verses 5-9 Paul teaches about how slaves and masters can also reflect Jesus in the roles that they are in.  Slaves will be obedient.. and sincere.. they will act as Christ's servants.. "doing the will of God from the heart." And masters will do the same! 

No matter who we are.. what our station in life might be.. no matter what age we are ... if we are followers of Jesus, then we are called to that walk of love.  By the grace that our Father has lavished on us and the spiritual blessings He has blessed us with, we are transformed into the likeness of our Savior.  It is by His Spirit within us that we are able to be the people He calls us to be and to do the things He calls us to do..from our hearts. 

Father in heaven, we desire to serve You as faithful servants and as obedient children. We desire to be all that You call us to be.. let Your grace abound in us and through us today! Thank You.  Amen

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