Monday, March 25, 2024

 Hosea 1-2  The life of a prophet is not easy.. and Hosea's story is one that illustrates this clearly.  

The first thing that the Lord instructs Hosea to do is to marry.. "a wife of harlotry".   It is hard for us to understand how the Lord would allow, let alone command, a man of God to marry a woman already known as a prostitute.  But, He did. And Hosea obeyed. 

Hosea married Gomer.  They had a son and the Lord told Hosea to name this child "Jezreel".  The word means "God sows".  It was the name of a valley and a city. It was the name of the place where the evil king Ahab and his wife Jezebel had lived and died. It was a place where the worship of Baal was rampant. It was a place of "bloodshed" during the time of King Jehu. 

Gomer had two more children.. a daughter "Lo-ruhamah", meaning "she has not obtained compassion"; and a son "Lo-ammi", meaning "not my people".  It is thought that these 2 children may not have been Hosea's offspring.  These children illustrated the unfaithfulness of God's people. There is nothing sadder than this.. a family broken by the unfaithfulness of a wife and mother.. one who deserted the only one who loved and cared for her.. 

 Yet, this is the picture that God used to illustrate His relationship to Israel.. He loved Israel like a husband loves his wife.. but she was unfaithful.  She had turned away from Him and chased after false lovers. His heart was broken for His people.. like Hosea's heart was for Gomer and her children. 

Chapter 2 is a heart wrenching description of Israel's (and Gomer's) unfaithfulness... She "played the harlot".. had children from shameful relationships; went after any lover that would give her what she wanted; and when she was finally at the end of herself.. she wanted to return to the One who loved her. Everything that God had provided for Israel would be taken away because they had forgotten Him and did not recognize that it all came from Him in the first place... 

And what is amazing is.. that God would forgive all that and restore Israel! "Yet the number of the sons of Israel will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or numbered; and it will come about that, in the place where it is said to them, ' You are not my people' it will be said to them, 'You are the sons of the living God.'"  (1:10)

Father, You have chosen us, adopted us, and called us Your children.. heirs.  We were not Your people but You made a way through Jesus for us to come into Your Kingdom and Your family!  Hallelujah!  Oh may we ever be faithful and true to You. May we know You and never forget You. May we honor You and love You with all our hearts and souls.  We come to You, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, and give You thanks and praise for Your kindness and compassion on us.. knowing we do not deserve it, but You have given it anyway.  How great is our God!!! Amen and amen. 

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