Tuesday, March 19, 2024

 Ephesians 5:1-20 The walk.. the life of one who follows Christ.. the child of God must be a "walk of love".  Paul tells us to imitate God.. as a child imitates his father.  Christ Jesus gave Himself for us.. "an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma."  Likewise, we are called to walk in the same way.. "walk as children of light" (v8), Paul tells us.. "for the fruit of light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth" (v9). 

A walk of love and light takes effort.. " Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil." (v15-16) Paul tells his readers to wake up! He wants us to understand what God's will is for us so that we do not act foolishly. 

Verses 3-5 show us the things that we must be careful of.. to reject.. for they have nothing to do with a life of love and light.. "do not let immorality or any impurity to greed... no filthiness and silly talk or course jesting which are not fitting, but rather the giving of thanks."  These things belong to those who walk in darkness, not light. These are the ways of those who are disobedient.. and all these deeds will be exposed by the light, for nothing is hidden from the Lord. 

To walk the way of love and light we need to be "filled with the Spirit" not with any other influence. When we are yielded to Him our words will be beautiful instead of coarse or silly.. we will speak in "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.". it will be a joyful, heartfelt melody that accompanies our lives.  We will have hearts full of thanksgiving and praise for our Lord Jesus Christ and for our Gracious heavenly Father. 

Father, make me more like Jesus.  Give me a heart of love and help me to walk in Your Light.  Fill me, Spirit of God, that I might understand and do the will of the Father. Let the beauty and joy of the Lord fill me.. fill us, the children of God.. to the glory of His Name.  Jesus, You are our all in all. Shine in us, and be exalted we pray. Amen.

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