Wednesday, March 20, 2024

 Ephesians 5:22-33 We have been called, chosen, adopted, redeemed, and filled with the Spirit of God.. so that we can walk the walk of love, as children of light.  As we learn to walk carefully.. making the most of the time God has granted us.. and we understand what God's will is for us.. we will be transformed.  Our lives will begin to look more like Christ and less like the world. We will put away and reject the things of the world.. the "deeds of darkness".   We will begin to give thanks in all things and sing praises and hymns and love one another. 

In these next verses, Paul teaches how this will effect our lives in a very practical and personal way..  in our marriages and families.  The relationship between husbands and wives, Paul teaches, is like the relationship between Christ and the church.. and should reflect that same dynamic:

As the church is subject to Christ, the Head.. a wife needs to be subject to her husband. 

As Christ is the head of the church.. a husband needs to act as the head of the wife. 

Lest we fall in to the trap of thinking like the world and complain about inequality.. we must look at the context and understand the grace and beauty of God's plan for the marriage relationship.  We must first look at Jesus!

First of all, we see the extent of Christ's love for the church.. He is as connected to the church as a head is to a body! He loves the church.. His body.. His people.. so much that He "gave Himself up for her".  He did this so He could "sanctify her".  He cleansed her so that she could be presented "to Himself... in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless." 

This is the kind of love a husband is to have for his wife.   It is a greater love than even a love for mother and father.. The husband who cherishes his wife like he would his own body..  has this kind of love... that begins to look like the love that Christ has shown us.  Most of the responsibility for this kind of relationship is then.. the husbands!  The wife's part is to "be subject".. to come under that covering that the husband provides as he loves her, sacrifices for her, and does all he can to make her glorious! 

What a beautiful picture of what Jesus does for each and every one of us who believe!  He loves us. He gave Himself for us.  He has provided everything we need.. so that we can be holy, blameless.. and glorious!

Father in heaven, how we thank You for this precious Word that washes us..and help us to  know You more.  Your love is so great! Your ways are so wonderful!  Your plans are so precious!  Thank You!  Jesus, our dear Savior and Lord.. we are Yours. We are willing to subject ourselves under Your authority and love.  Have Your way in our lives and relationships so that Your glory will be made known and your Name exalted. We ask this in Your Name. Amen. 

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