Monday, March 4, 2024

 Daniel 6  Many years had passed since Daniel was brought to Babylon. He is no longer a young man when Darius appointed him to be a commissioner in the kingdom... probably in his 80's.. However, he was still recognized as one who "possessed an extraordinary spirit".  He was highly respected by the king and completely disliked by the other commissioners and satraps. 

We know this story well.  The commissioners and satraps formed a group to discredit Daniel. When they could find no corruption or negligence in his work.. they created a trap for him by bringing a petition before the king that would punish anyone who worshipped any other god besides the king for thirty days. They knew Daniel well enough that they knew he would still serve his God.. Daniel knew what would happen.. and he continued to openly worship the Lord anyway!

What the others meant for evil.. the Lord used for good!  Daniel survived the night in the lion's den.. the king recognized that the God of Daniel was the "living God"! He made a decree that all men in his kingdom should "fear and tremble" before the Lord. Who knows how many lives were changed because of this decree!

And.. those who had come against Daniel ended up in the lion's den themselves.. along with their wives and children. 

Daniel is a great example of a faithful heart. From his early years.. well into his old age.. the testimony of his life was known... that he constantly served his God.  Daniel refused to defile himself.. he refused to stop worshipping God.. and he refused to be intimidated by mere men.  In everything, Daniel trusted God. 

Father in heaven, may we have this kind of faithfulness.. to worship and obey.. to trust in You no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. May we be known as men and women who "constantly serve" You, the Living God, whose kingdom endures forever. Thank You for being the God who delivers and rescues us.. who does the impossible.. and who never changes!  We may not be facing a lion's den.. but we know that there are times when the world will want to trap us and do evil towards us who belong to Jesus.  Deliver Your children from those who want to harm them, Lord God. In so many places in this world Christians are in the same kind of danger that Daniel faced.. and we ask that Your Spirit will be upon them and that they will remain faithful.. no matter what.  We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus our Redeemer and King. Amen. 

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