Wednesday, February 21, 2024

 Galatians 4 In this chapter Paul teaches the great contrast between the believer in Christ and the person who is under the Law. 

Under the Law.. 

I am like a child who is no different from a slave.. under the control of managers.. "held in bondage under the elemental things of the world."

I am obsessed with things like "days and months and seasons and years". 

I am like the child of the "bond woman".. not an heir, cast out.. and in slavery. 

But.. "when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." 

As God's child.. 

I have His Spirit in my heart and cry out to my Father in heaven, "Abba"!

I am His child and an heir.. through His doing.

I come to know Him because He knows me..

I am like the child of the free woman.. a child of promise!

Paul is so perplexed with the Galatians because they have been persuaded to turn back to a life of slavery instead of embracing the life of freedom they were given.  Why would anyone do that?

Can we see it.. as clearly as Paul did?  Do we allow ourselves to be persuaded that slavery to "whatever"  is God's choice for us?  What is holding us back from grasping the truth that God sees us as His sons and daughters because Christ came to redeem us?

Father, reveal to us those things that keep us from receiving the fulness of Christ's amazing redemption. May we be filled with the truth of Your Word, by Your Spirit, that we have this precious intimacy with You.. Abba..Daddy.. Papa..Father.  You love us with this amazing love.. that You want us to know.. help us to know it even more. Amen. 

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