Thursday, February 1, 2024

 Ezekiel 29-32  Over a period of about 2 years, Ezekiel prophesied about the fate of Egypt.  Pharaoh had considered himself a god and had boasted that the Nile was his.. that he had made it himself.  As with the other nations, Egypt was filled with pride about its power and wealth.  But God, never allows any nation to continue in their wickedness.. but works to reveal to them that He alone is Lord.  

Egypt would become desolate. Darkness would fall.. the sword would come against them, and Nebuchadnezzar would be given her wealth.  Pharaoh would watch as judgement came upon his nation and then as Assyria would also be brought down. He had thought himself indestructible but would find himself in the same situation as every other "uncircumcised"  person.. brought down to the "nether world with those who go down to the pit." (32:18)

32:18-32 gives a stark picture of the death of those who are "uncircumcised" .. those who rejected the Lord God...  "They have gone down, they lie still, the uncircumcised, slain by the sword."  The strong.. the powerful.. the heroes.. the kings and princes.. the chiefs.. and Pharaoh also.. those who "instilled terror in the land of the living... "  would bear their disgrace.. would find "punishment for their iniquity rested on their bones"... would be ashamed.. as they went down to the pit. 

This is the reality for every human being.. as the writer of Hebrews wrote, " And insomuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after that comes judgement." ( 9:27)  Paul wrote about this in Romans 1.. " For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness... " God is not impressed with wealth, power, status, or strength.. Pharaoh was no different than any of us.. he had a choice.. to worship God or himself.. and he chose himself.  For that, he was judged and has "gone down" into the pit. 

Ezekiel's messages are definitely not easy to read.. they are not full of  joy and gladness.. but a necessary truth.. God sees each and every heart.. and He alone will judge every one of us.  We need to remember this.. to think about those who are walking in darkness around us.. those who call themselves strong or powerful.. those who think they are heroes or princes.. but don't know Jesus. They are headed into that same pit.. and their only hope is Jesus Christ.  Oh how they need to hear the Good News!

Father in heaven, You are God alone and there is no other.  We have no other hope except in Your salvation, provided by the blood of Jesus Christ who was slain for us, that we might be forgiven our iniquities and cleansed from all unrighteousness. Thank You for such a great salvation.  We pray for those in our lives.. our families and friends.. our neighbors and even strangers.. that they might hear the Word of the Lord and turn from their pride and sin.. and come to call upon the Name of Jesus Christ and be saved.  Send forth workers into this harvest field we pray. In Jesus' name amen. 

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