Wednesday, February 14, 2024

 Galatians 1   Paul is writing a letter to the church that he had started in Galatia.  He is concerned because of a "contrary" or distorted gospel message that had been brought to them.  They were deserting the true gospel and Paul wants them to see how wrong that is.  Even in his salutation, Paul reminds them of the Truth.. " Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us out of this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen" ( verses3-5)

Paul reminds his readers that the gospel that they had received at first was the only true Word and that any other was wrong.. and that those who were bringing this false word should be "accursed".  This is a pretty strong condemnation! We see how strongly Paul is speaking against this perversion of the gospel.  We need to take heed of any and all who try to add to or take away from the True gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul reminds the Galatians that the true gospel was given to him, not by man.. but by God Himself.. "through a revelation of Jesus Christ".  It was this true gospel.. this revelation that changed him from one who persecuted the church to one who preached the gospel.  It was God who "set [him] apart"... who "called [him] through His grace".. and who was "pleased to reveal His Son" to him.  

It was not until much later that Paul went up to Jerusalem and met the other apostles.  They had nothing to do with his conversion or his changed life.. that was all of God.  Likewise, Paul is telling his readers.. it is the true gospel that changed their lives.. and to turn from it to another version.. will lead them away from God's grace into a broken system of dead works. 

Father in heaven, thank You for the salvation message... that Jesus Christ came and gave Himself to deliver us from all sin.. to set us free from dead works.. to give us life through a revelation of Himself.  You are the One who calls us to Yourself, Who changes our lives, and Who sets us apart to serve You.  May we not be swayed by any other gospel.. may we not try to please any man.. but trust in You and the True gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is Your grace that brings us to life in Jesus Christ, to Your glory! So we come in His name before You, giving thanks and praise. Amen. 

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