Thursday, October 26, 2017

Isaiah 63-65  These  final chapters conclude the ministry of Isaiah.  

Chapter 63 looks to the past, recalling how God delivered the Israelites from Egypt, bringing them through the Red Sea and making a "glorious name" for Himself.  
He became their Savior.
He redeemed them "in His love and in His mercy".
He "lifted them and carried them"
He had compassion on them and became their Father. 

Chapter 64 speaks of the present..
They need Him to " rend the heavens and come down"
To make His name known again.
To do awesome things for them.
To act on their behalf.
But they needed to :
confess their sins
realize that their "righteous deeds" were like "a filthy garment".
They needed to call upon Him.
They needed to humble themselves.

Isaiah prayed, " But now, O Lord, Thou art our Father, We are the clay and Thou our potter; and all of us are the work of Thy hand."

Chapter 65 focuses on the future;

The Lord had sought them, called to them, opened His arms to them, but they had rebelled against Him.  They provoked Him.  They worshiped idols.
They lived in darkness and uncleanness.
When He called them, they would not answer.
When He spoke they would not listen .
Instead they chose to do evil and that in "which I did not delight".

Therefore, He would separate those who are His servants and those who rebelled.
" Behold, My servants shall eat, but you shall be hungry. 
Behold, My servants shall drink, but you shall be thirsty.
Behold, My servants shall rejoice, but you shall be put to shame. 
behold, My servants shall shout joyfully with a glad heart, but you shall cry out with a heavy heart, and you shall wail with a broken spirit. " ( v13-14)

More to think about in this chapter and the last, but I must stop here.

Do we recognize that we have a God who has called us, Who has become our Savior, Who calls us and who desires us to hear Him? Do we wait on Him, as  servants.. as the clay awaits the Potter, as a child waits for his father?

Father, reveal Your will to us once again.. that we might humbly bow before You.. and really be Your Servants...

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