Monday, October 23, 2017

Isaiah 61

v1-2  The servant of the Lord is anointed by the Spirit of God for these purposes:

To give good news to those who are in need.
To bring healing care to those who's hearts are broken.
To give the hope of freedom and liberty to those who are imprisoned.
And to  "proclaim the favorable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God."
To give comfort to the mourners - victory, gladness, praise, and righteousness -
So that they will glorify the Lord!

It is what our Lord Jesus came to do for us.. and what we are commissioned to do for others.
"Go and tell them, go and tell them... Jesus died for sinful men! Go and tell them, go and tell them.. that He's coming back again"! ( Hymn by A.B. Simpson)

He has clothed us with a "robe of righteousness" and "garments of salvation".
He has made us "the priests of the Lord"...

We rejoice in Him , exulting Him, and walking in covenant with Him through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.  We are His servants and we have a job to do...

Father in Heaven,  lead us to those who need a word of hope today.  Reveal those who are mourning or brokenhearted today... and show us how to bring comfort and healing by Your power and love.
Thank You for saving us and making us Your own.  We are Your servants.  May Your will be done.
May Your Name be glorified. And may Your Kingdom come!  Amen.

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