Monday, October 16, 2017

Isaiah 57  Once again the Lord gives a clear revelation... a contrast between the life of the righteous and the life of the wicked.

The Righteous

Perish without recognition or understanding, but are taken "away from evil" and enter into peace and rest. (v1-2)
The righteous will " inherit the land, and shall possess My holy mountain. " 
God will dwell " on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit.." ( v15)
He will revive them.
He will heal them.
He will lead them, restore and comfort them.
He will give His peace and bring praise from their lips by His goodness and grace.  (v 18-19)

The wicked - are "like the tossing sea, for it cannot be quiet".. "There is no peace," says my God," for the wicked." (v20-21)

The wicked are "sons of a sorceress" ( v3) They are born out of wickedness and live in it fully.
They jest, opening their mouths and sticking out their tongues.. rebellious and deceitful. ( v4)
They are indecent and immoral.
They slaughter their own children. ( v5)
They not only give sacrifices to idols, but they make their bed with them. ( v7-8)
They don't think of God, nor do they fear Him. ( v11)

God tells them that when the time comes.. and it will.. when they need help and they cry out, they should. " let your collection of idols deliver you" .

Yet, He offers even then to heal, lead, and restore comfort... to those whose ways He has seen.. but they must come with a contrite heart and a lowly spirit.   This was the message that Jesus preached..
"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted..." ( Matthew 5:3-4)   Paul wrote to the Romans, " But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ( 5:8)

The life and death of a child of God is marked by God's Presence, peace, and grace.  He is our Shepherd, our Healer, and our Provider.  Jesus, our Savior and King has provided all that we need, but we must receive it from His Hand by faith, with humility and brokenness. We must fully surrender ourselves.. living sacrifices, willing servants.. laying down our lives and taking up our crosses and following Him. Every day. Every hour.  Every moment.

The life and death of one who refuses to think of God or fear Him, is marked by wickedness, vileness, and tumult.  They will cry out for help, but find none.  They will be tossed about in refuse and mud.. garbage.. and filth.  Like the  prodigal son in the pig pen... lost, starving, desperate.. they will find no peace in life or in death, unless they come to their senses and return to the Father, who loves and welcomes him home.

Father in heaven,  You know us full well.  You know the depths of sinfulness that resides in us all.. and yet, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us!  What amazing grace!  Thank You for saving me!  Thank You for washing me and making me white as snow!  Thank You for giving me life in Jesus Christ, my Lord.  I pray for all of my family, asking that each one who is still living in the darkness of Satan's domain, will come to their senses.. and return to You.  May they have the courage to humble themselves before You and surrender themselves into Your Perfect Hands.  Pour out Your grace and mercy on us once again we pray, Lord.  In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

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