Monday, October 2, 2017

Isaiah 47  The Lord speaks to Babylon, using the image of a woman;

She considers herself a queen.
She doesn't believe that anything can touch her
She doesn't recognize her own sinfulness.
She believes she will reign forever.
She is secure in herself and her choices... which are wicked.
She says in her heart, " I am, and there is no one besides me."(v8) - words that blaspheme for they are only true of God.
She boasts of things that are really out of her control, "loss of children and widowhood". (v9)
She has trusted in wickedness and evil - sorceries, spells, astrologers, - all who will be struck down and cast into the fire.
She is deluded by her own wisdom and knowledge. (v10)

All that she has trusted in and boasted in.. will fail.  " There is none to save you."(v15)  the Lord warns.
God had judged Israel and sent them into exile, into Babylon's hands, but they "did not show mercy to them, on the aged you made your yoke very heavy." ( v6) Because of this and because of her great pride and wickedness, she will be judged even more harshly.

Father in heaven,  You are God alone.  You are our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts.  You are the Holy One of Israel and there is none like You.  There is no nation on earth that can stand against You or find security in itself , not even the USA.  We are in great need of Your Word and we pray that it will spread rapidly be glorified in our land.  There is so much deception, pride, and wickedness in our country, o Lord forgive us!  We do not recognize our own sinfulness!  Lord, open our eyes and bring us to repentance.  May those in government, news media, and even in the entertainment industries... humble themselves before You and repent of their sins.  You are our only Hope.  You are the only One who brings righteousness and salvation .  Once again I pray for my family and ask that You move in their lives to bring them to salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.  I ask this in His powerful Name. Amen.

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