Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Isaiah 48  Israel has been found out.  They have pretended to worship God, but "not in truth, nor in righteousness".  Everything that is happening to them, is because of their idolatry and rebellion against their God.  So, God is telling them beforehand what is going to happen, so that when it does happen, they will know without doubt that it is from Him.  They have forgotten Who He is!
He wants them to know Him and return to Him.
He acts for His own sake, and His " glory [He]  will not give to another."

" I am He, I am the first, I am also the last. Surely My hand founded the earth, and My right hand spread out the heavens ."  If Israel has strayed, rebelled, and worshiped idols, it is because they have forgotten and turned away from the One true God.  Over and over again, Isaiah speaks the words of God's heart,  " I am the Lord your God..." 

Isaiah 49  The prophecies of Isaiah begin to build into a great crescendo here... theses words are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

v1 It is Jesus who was called and named while in His mother's womb.
v2 It is Jesus who's mouth is made a sharp arrow.
v3 It is Jesus who is the Servant and in Whom God will show His glory.
v4 It is Jesus who waits upon the Father for a reward.
v5 It is Jesus who was "formed... from the womb to be His Servant".
v6 It is Jesus who not only will restore the "preserved ones of Israel;"  but who is "...made a light of the nations so that My ( God's) salvation may reach to the end of the earth."
v7 It is Jesus who was despised and abhorred by the nation.  It is Jesus who is and will be worshiped by kings and princes.
v8 It is Jesus who was given as a covenant of the people.
v9 It is Jesus who releases those bound and gives sight to those who are blind.
v10 It is Jesus who feeds the hungry and gives water to the thirsty.  It is Jesus who has compassion on us and who leads us to the springs of water.
v11  It is Jesus who makes a way through mountains and valleys.
v12 It is Jesus who calls us to come from afar to find Him, to find salvation and healing and comfort.

God reveals His love for His people, " Can a woman forget her nursing child, and have no compassion on the son of her womb?  Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.  Behold I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands."
He promises to give them sons and daughters.
He promises to show Himself to the nations and be the standard to the peoples.
He promises to contend with those who come against His people.
He promises that all flesh will know that He is Lord, Savior, Redeemer, " the Mighty One of Israel"
"And you will know that I am the Lord ; Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame." ( v23b)

This is the truth that we must know and believe to worship God in spirit and in truth.  We must keep our attention and focus on the Lord, Who is the One and only God, for there is no other.

Father in heaven,  how Holy is Your Name.  You alone are worthy of all praise and worship.  You have revealed Yourself to us in  Your holy word and we need to grow in this knowledge .  Help us to be faithful to keep Your word, to read and meditate and be filled by Your Spirit , so that we might do Your will.  Thank You for this reminder of Your promises and of the greatness of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Thank You for saving us by the blood of the Lamb, Your Son.  Amen.

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