Friday, June 10, 2016

Hebrews 8 continues the comparison of the old and the new...
The old covenant appointed "men as high priests who are weak";
The new covenant "appoints a Son, made perfect forever".  

This is  the high priest we have, Jesus, "who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens".  

Jesus ministers in the "true tabernacle", in heaven "pitched" by the Lord, Himself.
The tabernacle on earth was only a copy or "shadow" of God's true Sanctuary.  Moses was given the exact instructions to produce this copy, but it was still only a shadow.

Jesus "has obtained a more excellent ministry by as much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better promises." (v6)

The first covenant was not faultless.  It has been made "obsolete" and has grown old and died. ( v13).
The new covenant has been established by the Lord. 

The old covenant, with all of the Law, the regulations, the tabernacle, the ministers etc. could not bring men to salvation.  All was external and temporary .
The new covenant starts with the internal heart and mind of men.  
God Himself writes His Laws on  our hearts.  
He establishes the relationship - He is our God and we are His people.  
He allows each individual to know Him.  
He personally bestows mercy and forgiveness to each individual. 

Jesus mediates this new covenant.  He is the go-between, the reconciler, the intercessor.

Oh Father, the wonder of this all!  The greatness of this New Covenant  established by the blood of the true Lamb of God!  All praise and glory to You!  Jesus, my Savior, my Lord, my great high priest who mediates and intercedes for me at the right hand of the God on High.  Blessing and honor and praise to You. Thank you for such a great salvation!

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