Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hebrews 11: 1-6

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen.  For by it the men of old gained approval."

Faith, the persuasion and conviction of the Truth and reliance upon Christ for salvation... is the
assurance/ substance - the underlying support or confidence
 of things hoped for - expected, anticipated, confided
the conviction - the proof; evidence; reproof;
of things not seen.
The men of old - Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham etc.
gained approval - obtained a testimony; became a witness; gave evidence/a good report - they pleased God.

Faith pleases God.  To come to Him we must be persuaded and convinced that He is the one True God and that He will reward those who "seek Him".

Abel, by faith, gave a better sacrifice.  He believed what God had said.  He "obtained the testimony" - he witnesses to us, even though he is dead, that he was righteous.

Enoch walked with God and pleased God, "by faith"... "for he obtained the witness".

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." 

Father, I want to please You by walking with You in faith.  I am persuaded that Your Word is the Truth . I am relying in Christ, my Lord and Savior, for life and salvation.  I am holding on to the hope that You have given.  Lead me nearer. Draw me closer. Thank You Lord, for Your grace.

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