Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hebrews 6

The foundation of our faith is the "elementary teaching" of the gospel.  This includes "repentance from dead works and of faith toward God".  It is the instructions on "washings and laying on of hands and the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgement." ( v 1-2)

But the writer wants us to "press on".. to go deeper in our understanding of the Truth.
Verses 4-8 talk about those who believe and then "fall away".  They have:
"been enlightened"
"tasted of the heavenly gift"
"been made partakers of the Holy Spirit"
"tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come"
But, they have rejected the Lord and turned away.   And the writer tells us that it is impossible to "renew them again to repentance". 
He gives an illustration in verses 7-8...  the rain falls on the soil, and in one case the result is useful vegetation.. a blessing.  And in the other case the result is "thorns and thistles.... worthless" and "close to being cursed". 

As Jesus said, " So then, you will know them by their fruits" ( Matthew 7:20)
Not everyone who says "Lord, Lord"..  Jesus tells us.. are really part of His kingdom.  Even though they do great things... if they don't KNOW Him, they will perish.

The writer of Hebrews gives the same sort of message...
God sees what we do and He does not forget our works.. but there is more that He desires for us.. as the writer says, " .. and we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize  the full assurance of hope until the end" ( v11)..  not "sluggish but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." 

Like Abraham, we must believe God's promises.  We must trust His "unchangeableness".  We must know that He cannot lie and be encouraged that the "hope" He has "set before us" is sure "an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil," . 

Our hope is based on the One Who has enterer within the veil, Jesus, our Great High Priest.
Hope - anticipation, expectation, confidence...  We are to .. find refuge by "laying hold of the hope set before us".   We are to anchor our souls to it.. to be sure and steadfast in it.   We are to have "full assurance" of it, "until the end".   As the writer will tell us later, " Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." ( 10:23)

As the song says, " My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness".
Those who fell away, gave up their hope in Him.  They lost confidence.  They lacked faith and patience in the the One who is faithful and true. The One who cannot lie.

Oh Father, be merciful to us, for we are weak in faith and patience.  May we find encouragement to remain steadfast and sure in the hope that You have set before us. There is no other hope! Only You have provided the hope of salvation, through Jesus Christ, Your Only Begotten Son, and our Great High Priest.  What a loving and faithful God You are!  Praise and honor and blessing to Your Great Name we give. Amen.

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