Friday, May 29, 2015

Romans 8 ( continued)

The war between our minds and flesh is finished, not by our own efforts, but by Jesus Christ our Lord.  He has set us free! He has given us His Spirit, to indwell us, to intercede for us, and to bring us to conformity with the image of Christ.

God foreknew us.  He who knit us together in our mother's wombs, who knows the number of our days before they even began, has known us since before the foundation of the earth.  There is nothing that He does not know about us.

He predestined us.  Our gracious God determined to bring us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, His own Son.  He has declared it and ordained it.  He can and will do it!

He called us.  Our merciful God has called our name... invited us personally into His family.

He justified us. Our wonderful Lord has rendered us innocent and declared us just.

He glorified us.  Our Mighty God and Heavenly Father has rendered us full of glory, honor, and dignity.

God is for us! "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?

" For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  ( v38-39) 

Just think,  the God who created the universe, Who knows the beginning and the end, Who made you and knows you,  - is FOR you!  He did not spare His own Son, " but delivered Him up for us all"!
Christ Jesus died and rose again.. and " is at the right hand of God" interceding for us!
He says that we cannot be separated from His love.
He declares us conquerors!
In  Him we do not need to fear or worry or be filled with anxiety.

We simply need to keep believing and clinging to this truth!

Father, we praise and worship You!  You are so gracious and merciful, so kind in all Your ways, and so righteous in all Your deeds.  You are worthy of all praise.  Father, may Your Name be honored and Your will done on earth, even as it is in heaven.  Bring the kingdom here Lord. We eagerly wait for the coming of our King!  Help us to remember that nothing can separate us from Your Love. Help us to not lose hope in the light of this world's distresses, but to be convinced of Your abiding Love and Grace and Power and Glory! Fill our hearts and minds with Hope and Joy and Peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

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