Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Joshua 11-13  The kings of Palestine came together to fight agains Joshua and the people of Israel.  Joshua 11:4 tells us that " as many people as the sand that is on the seashore,with very many horses and chariots." came together to fight Israel.  But the Lord told Joshua to not be afraid for He was giving them into his hand.  And He did! The Lord delivered king after king, army after army, over to Joshua and Israel.  31 kings were destroyed, along with every man, woman, and child.   Judgement had come.

I can not imagine the amount of destruction and devastation.  But, this was God's plan and He carried out the judgement by the hands of His servants.  Evil and sin and all wickedness was judged and the wrath of God was released upon those who refused to bow before Him.  We know that God does not change.  He still hates sin and wickedness.  He still judges and He will still punish those who rebel against Him.  This is why we are told to fear God, to obey Him, and to worship Him alone.  No mercy will be shown to those whose hearts remain hardened.  ( 11:20)  The Lord Himself will "utterly destroy" those who will not come in repentance and humility.

Father in Heaven, You are Righteous and Holy.  You are perfect and great in all wisdom and grace.  You have proclaimed forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ alone.  We are all like the kings of Canaan and deserve Your wrath, yet You have made a way for us to come before You, through the blood of Jesus Christ. We thank You that there is no condemnation through Jesus Christ!  Thank You for forgiving us and cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Thank You for giving us soft hearts that we might receive mercy. May we never be afraid to stand against the enemy, for the battle is in Your Hands.   Help us to obey Your will and never stop until You call us home.  In Jesus' Name, amen.

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