Friday, May 15, 2015

Joshua 16-22  The promised land was divided and settled by the 12 tribes of Israel. Cities were set aside for the Levites in each of the other tribe's portions.  Cities of refuge were established.  The 3 tribes that had received land on the other side of the Jordan were released to return to their new homes. And God gave them rest.

There were still problems to come, but for the moment.. all was well.   Joshua settles down into his own land.  He has completed the task set before him.  It must have been a relief!  His retirement years have finally arrived.  He will soon give his farewell address, but for the moment he can focus on his own family and home.

Father in heaven, thank You for caring for each of us so specifically.  You know our needs and our hearts.  You have created each of us just as we are, according to Your grace and love and wisdom.  You are personally present in the lives of all who call upon You.  You are amazing and mysterious.  We cannot fathom the greatness of who You are.  Help us to grow in the knowledge of who You are.
Lord, God of Israel, remind Your people of Who You are.  Open the eyes of those who have never believed, that they may come to know Jesus the Messiah.  Bless Israel.  And, Father will You also bless America.  May we once again call upon You, the only God who is worthy of all worship.

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