Thursday, May 7, 2015

Joshua 7  The next city that Israel targets is Ai.  But this time, the Lord is not consulted and He does not go with them.  Even though this is a smaller town and the spies thought that only a partial army would do, disaster strikes.  Not only is the army made to flee, but 36 men are killed in battle.   When Joshua and the elders come before the Lord in sorrow and defeat, they find out that this has happened because of one man in Israel who took what was banned by God from Jericho.

This act of sinful disobedience by one man threatened the successful entry into the promised land for all of Israel.  Achen  is confronted and confesses.  He and all of his family are stoned to death and then burned by fire.  God's wrath is turned away from Israel because they obeyed His command to deal with the transgressor.

Joshua was concerned that the defeat at Ai would cause all the Canaanites to turn and attack Israel.  He asks the Lord, " And what wilt Thou do for Thy great name?" (v9)   The Lord is more concerned about the holiness of His people than about the threat of the armies of Canaan.  " You cannot stand before your enemies until you have removed the things under the ban from your midst." ( v13b)

The trouble at Ai was not because of the outward threat of an enemy, but by the inward sin of a man.
We can learn something important here that applies to our nation and the church here in America.  We must seek repentance and revival as the church, the Body of Christ.  It is not Islam or atheists or immoral people who are the greatest threat to God's people... it is sin in the hearts of those who call themselves believers.  Unconfessed and blatant sinfulness.  We need to return to God's Word and hunger and thirst for His Righteousness.  We cannot call what is evil- good or what is good-evil.  We must know what God has spoken and obey. 

Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth, Supreme Ruler of all Creation,  our Father,  we need You.  Revive us again, dear Lord. Turn our hearts back to You and heal our land.  Your will be done and Your Kingdom come! Deliver us from the evil one and those who would  tempt us to sin against You.
Lead us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake, Jesus.  Amen.

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