Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Romans 6  Life in Christ begins after we die to sin.

We were slaves to sin, Paul says, we presented the "members of our body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness"; ourselves to "impurity and to lawlessness".  We were obedient to sin and the result was death. Every possible outcome for a slave of sin is death.

But then grace came! The free gift of righteousness through Jesus Christ came when He entered the world. And with Him we have hope! By faith we are justified and our faith is reckoned as righteousness.
Our baptism into Christ Jesus is a baptism into His death.
Our baptism is a burial with Him.
With Him we are raised up and we have new life.
United with Him in death and in life.
Our old self is crucified with Him.  Our slavery to sin is done away with and we are free.
We are to consider this true - we are dead to sin;  it is not to reign over us or be our master again;

In Christ we are alive to God.  Just as Jesus lives to God, so should we.
We are to present ourselves and the members of our bodies as alive from the dead; as instruments of righteousness.
We present ourselves as slaves, obedient to God.
We became slaves of righteousness;  the members of our bodies as slaves of righteousness.
This results in sanctification and the outcome is eternal life.

Father in heaven,  how we thank You!  We were hopeless and helpless, held captive by sin and slaves of unrighteousness, but You came and set us free.  It is in Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father, Who has taken us from the domain of darkness and set us free through His death on the cross. It is in Him that we have died to sin and are no longer slaves to its reign. It is in Christ that we are raised up from the dead to a whole new life!  It is in Christ that we come to You and present our bodies, souls, minds, and strength as bond servants to righteousness.  We are Your slaves, Lord God! We present ourselves to You willingly for obedience from our hearts.  Thank You for saving us and for sanctifying us and for giving us eternal life.  May Your Name be honored.  May Your will be done. May Your Kingdom come!  All glory and praise and blessing to You we pray.  Amen.

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