Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/12   Galatians 5-6
" For neither is circumcision anything, not uncircumcision, but a new creation." Gal. 6;15  Paul teaches.  Being a Jew or a Gentile no longer matters.  This is the reason Paul is persecuted by the Jews.  There has always been a difference... it has been pounded into the head and heart of every Jew... you are God's people and the Gentiles are not!  But that isn't really true, never has been, for God created ALL men.  The Jews were supposed to be set apart to reveal the Holy One.  But they failed miserably.
 Now Paul is preaching a "new creation" - a new creature, (ktisis-Greek) a formation, a building, newly fabricated - the Christian. The sons of God, clothed with Christ - not Jew, not Gentile, not slave, not freeman, not male, not female - none of those distinctions matter anymore.  "And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise"(3 :29) and " For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love." Gal. 5:6. 
We are called to freedom and called to serve one another , in love! By walking in the Spirit and being led by the Spirit, sowing to the Spirit and reaping the fruit of the Spirit we fulfill the Law.  All of it!
Paul ends with some very practical examples of this life of faith in love:
We will gently restore those who fall into sin. Gal 6:1
We will bear one another's burdens. 6:2
We will examine our own works and not the work of others. 6:4
We will share good things with those who share the Word with us. 6:6
We will do good and not grow weary. 6:9 ( or more pointedly, do good even though we do grow weary)
We will take the opportunity to do good whenever we can. 6:10
We will follow Paul's example of never boasting in anything but the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. 6:14.
Oh Spirit of God, fall fresh on me!  Lead me, walk with me, bear fruit in me... that I might live as the Child of God, the new Creation that You have born me to be.  The cross of Jesus is my only hope of salvation, of completion, of Life. Thank You Jesus.

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