Monday, December 17, 2012

Ephesians 2 -  "And you were dead.... "  The state we all are in before we find Life in Christ.  DEAD!
In sins and trespasses, walking dead.  Following the course of the world...the never ending, hopeless, cycle of days upon the earth, under the bondage of the "prince of the power of the air".  Chained to our fleshly lusts, indulging the desires of the mind and flesh, children of wrath.  Dead!  Paul includes himself in this description.  We are all "born this way". 
BUT GOD.... Love, love, love these two words!!!!  
God, rich in mercy!
God, loving us with a great love!
God, sent us a rescuer! A LIFE giver! A Peace maker!
While we were dead, helpless and hopeless,  He made us alive together with Christ.  All of GRACE.
He raised us from the dead with Christ.
He seated us with Christ in Heaven.
He plans on forever showing us the "riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus" v7
We are His workmanship.  His creation in Christ Jesus, with a new purpose.. good works.
Christ Jesus brought us near to God by His blood.
He broke down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles.
He abolished the Law, the enmity, the hostile opposition, putting it to death.
He reconciled all who believe - One man, one building, one temple, one dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.
" For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;"
By grace - Greek charis - graciousness, favour, gift, liberality, pleasure, thanks-worthy, joy - we are saved, rescued, redeemed, made alive, made safe.   God shows us His favor, a free, undeserved GIFT.
He "elects" us to salvation out of His own good pleasure.  All of Grace, all a gift He chooses to give.  We receive this gift by faith.  Persuaded of the Truth. Conviction and reliance upon Christ for salvation. Constancy in profession of this Truth.  Jesus Christ loved me and gave Himself up for me.
I live by faith in Him.  Thank God, the God of all Grace, for His wonderful Gift.. Jesus!

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