Monday, December 10, 2012

Galatians 2-3
Paul sets forth a clear argument why the Law is not  the way of life for a Christian, Jewish or Gentile.  Paul gave himself as an example.  He was  a devoted Jew, extremely zealous, advanced in learning, a persecutor of the church.  Until he met Jesus. ( Gal. 1:13-15)  He was "called" through grace and believed and received the revelation given to him - the truth of the gospel. The only gospel that can glorify God and save men.  Paul states that he did not receive the gospel through men, but through Christ.  He did not need the ok of the apostles, but did meet with them 17 years after he was saved, to be sure that they were not running in vain.  Paul also talks about reprimanding Peter for hypocrisy in his actions when he feared the "party of the circumcision" in Antioch.
Starting in Ch 2:15 Paul explains why the gentile believers should not listen to those who are trying to make them become circumcised and follow the Law.
1. The Jews are not justified by the works of the Law, even as the Gentiles cannot be.
 Both groups can only be justified by faith in Christ.
2. Paul states that he "died to the Law" in order to live to God. He goes on to explain that the Law cannot:  give life ( v20) give the Spirit ( 3:2),  perfect the flesh ( 3:3), work miracles ( 3:5) justify any man ( v11) , cannot invalidate the covenant ratified by God, spoken to Abraham, of the promise to bless all nations through his Seed - Christ Jesus ( v17);  nor can it make us sons of God or offspring of Abraham.   In fact the only thing the Law can do is bring a curse - because only those who can keep the Law perfectly can live by the Law; and no one is able to do that.
3. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the Law by hanging on the cross.  " if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly" The Law cannot do what Christ alone did.
4. By faith in the Son of God " who loved me and delivered Himself up for me"  is LIFE, Paul testifies (2:20)  Hearing by faith DOES what the Law cannot do :  gives life, gives the Spirit,  brings perfection (maturing), works miracles, justifies, makes righteous, fulfills the promise given to Abraham that all nations will be blessed, makes us sons of God and offspring of Abraham, heirs to the promise. 
Because of what Christ Jesus did - delivering Himself up to die on the cross - the "blessing of Abraham" comes to the Gentiles "that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith"

Again and again I am drawn back to Gal. 2:20b ".. and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me"  I must admit that the first part of that verse is often quoted "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.." is something I can't quite grasp.  But I can hold on to the second part.  Jesus LOVES me!  He gave Himself up for me!  I put my faith in that Truth - convinced and convicted that this is True and believe - entrust my life into His.  Thank You Jesus! 

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