Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12/5/12  Galations - Jesus ONLY
Just read through the whole letter that Paul wrote to the Galatian church.  Paul had started this church, but  some had come in and convinced the believers there that they needed to become Jewish - to be circumcised in order to be Christians.   Paul delivers a powerful message about faith and the Law.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ supercedes the Law given to Moses.  Paul compares the difference to the sons of Abraham; one, born of the slave girl Hagar, by the human flesh, and one born of the free woman Sarah, by supernatural means according to the promise given to Abraham.   Those who trust in the works of Law, circumcision, feasts, sacrifices, etc. are like slaves.  But those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, by faith, are justified by that faith, born of the Spirit, a New Creation - a miraculous birth, are free, sons of God, clothed in Christ, heirs according to the promise.
 Paul's emphasis is that what began as a work of the Spirit of God can only be completed by the Spirit of God, not by trying to keep the Law.  Walk by the Spirit, be led by the Spirit, sow to the Spirit and reap eternal life from the Spirit.

Our personal salvation, when we believed that Jesus Chris " gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us out of this present age, according to the will of our God and Father" ( Gal. 1:4)  was as much a miraculous birth as that of Isaac, born to Sarah who was 90 years old and Abraham who was 100.  Isaac wasn't born our of natural circumstances, he was given by God according to His promise to a believing Abraham.   We receive a new Life, born of the Spirit of God, when we believe in Jesus Christ.  " I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself up for me" ( Gal. 2:20)

Gal. 2:16  " ... but through faith ( Gr. pistis - persuasion, credence, conviction of truth) in Christ Jesus, even we have believed ( Gr. pisteuo - credit, entrust, commit to, put trust in) Christ Jesus, that we  may be justified by faith in Christ...."

Once again I bow my head and wonder at the grace of our God Who offers us such a great salvation, not through the impossible work of keeping laws, but through believing the Word that we have heard, considering it True, and trusting in Christ Jesus, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me too!
What a wonderful Saviour!

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