Tuesday, July 25, 2023

 Romans 5:12-21  Paul gives us a side-by-side comparison between Adam, "one man... through whom sin entered into the world.."  and Jesus, the ".. one Man"  who brings grace... reconciliation.. salvation.. justification.. Life!

Adam sinned (v12)
Sin brought death 
Death spread to all men because all sinned;
Death reigned;(v14)
The "transgression of the one..." brought death to many; (v15)
Judgement "arose.. resulting in condemnation"; (v16)
One man's disobedience.. caused "the many" to be sinners. (v19)
And.. sin increased. (v20)

Jesus brought the "free gift"!
Grace abounds! (v15)
"The free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in justification." (v16)
"... much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." (v 17)
"One act of righteousness.. resulted in justification of life to all men." (v18)
One Man's obedience .. makes many "righteous". (v 19)
Grace abounds more and more! (v20)
Grace "reigns through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (v21)

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, You are good.. ready to forgive.. kind and compassionate.. sending Your Son, the Lamb of God, sacrificed on a cross of death.. to bring us to Life.  How amazing is Your grace towards us that while we were sinners.. enemies.. condemned and helpless.. Jesus came to die for us.  We are so thankful for such a perfect and great Savior and Lord. Reign in us Lord Jesus.. that we might abound in Your grace.. in righteousness.. and in love, sharing  this Good News with those who are still living in darkness, under the reign of death.  Let Your Kingdom come! Shine through Your people that the world might find the hope that is in Christ Jesus! Amen!

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