Wednesday, July 5, 2023

 Ecclesiastes 4  "Then I looked again at all the acts of oppression which were being done under the sun. And behold I saw the tears of the oppressed and that they had no one to comfort them; and on the side of the oppressors was power, but they had no one to comfort them." 

Oppression- to keep down.. to weigh down.. to cruelly or unjustly use power.. to crush.. to distress.. to afflict. 

Truly.. there is nothing new under the sun.  We went to see the movie "Song of Freedom" yesterday.  It is an impactful.. significant.. and frightening look at human trafficking .  Oppression to the nth degree.  Go and support this movie.. if you can.  This message needs to be heard.  See for yourself "the tears of the oppressed".  It is based on a true story.. a story that may just stir up our hearts.. the hearts of our nation too.. to action. How it breaks my heart.. how it must break our Father's heart!

The Preacher does not stop with those who are being oppressed.. but looks also at the oppressors. Yes, they are wicked.  Yes, they deserve God's wrath.. but then, don't we all?  They may have power.. but it is not any comfort to their souls.  They know their own guilt.. they try to cover their own pain.. but they are just as much in need of a Savior as the other. 

The Preacher concludes that the dead are better off than the living.. and better still is the one never born.... "who has never seen the evil activity that is done under the sun." 

This "striving after wind" haunts the Preacher.. rivalry between neighbors.. working and never being satisfied.. never having anyone to share those "riches" with.. Never realizing that when it is all said and done.. this life is over and all that striving comes to naught. 

The only thing that the Preacher does not think is vain.. is found in verses 9-12.. "Two are better than one.. "  Two working together accomplishes more. Two together can help one another in case one falls. Two together can stay warm. Two together can overpower the one who attacks. Then he adds, " A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart."  And, here we say, "Yes".. for we again turn to the One who holds us together.. Jesus!

Father in heaven, You are holy and just.. You see the oppressed and the oppressors.. You know every heart.  You see every tear that falls.  You alone bring salvation and comfort and deliverance.  We need You Lord!  Give us eyes to see and hearts to receive Your Word.. help us to abide in Jesus.. bound together with Him in the work You have called us to do.. taking the gospel message to those who have not yet heard the Good News.. Jesus loves them.. He died to save them. He brings forgiveness from sin and life everlasting.  He comforts the poor and helpless.  He sets free the prisoners.  He heals the sick and He raises the dead.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!  To God be the glory, the honor and the power!  amen. 

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