Thursday, July 20, 2023

 Romans 3:21-31 Paul has made it perfectly clear.. with the Law or without the Law.. all men are "under sin".. Yes.. " for all have sinned and fall short to the glory of God." There are none who are righteous.. none who understand the pure standard of holiness that God requires.. none who even seek God on their own. Even those who have been given the Word of God.. the Law and the Prophets.. have not understood that just  doing the things of the Law are not enough.  People can not be good enough or perfect enough to meet God's perfect righteousness... "by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight..." 

"But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested.. through faith in Jesus Christ." (v21-22)  "Being justified" Paul tells us, is "a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus". 

Jesus was "displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith.." Jesus.. the Sacrifice, the atonement; paid the penalty by His blood. "This was to demonstrate His righteousness because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." 

God is just. He does not ignore sin. He cannot.. He judges it.  Every sin - for every person. He is completely fair, impartial, and perfect in His judgement. And we all are rightly.. justly condemned. But, He does not leave us in our hopeless state.. He gives us.. all of us.. freedom to be redeemed from all unrighteousness.. to be justified. He renders us innocent.. righteous.. when we have faith in Jesus Christ.  Not faith in our keeping the rules.. not faith in our good works.. but only through faith in Jesus Christ, the One who was publicly displayed as the propitiation.. on the cross. 

Praise God who is our Justifier.. freely giving us salvation by His grace when we have faith in Jesus Christ.  Father, thank You for such grace.. amazing and wonderful.. for what could we ever do to earn or deserve such a great salvation?  Only by Your righteousness can we come to know these truths.  You are perfect in all of Your ways, gracious and compassionate towards a wayward and sinful world.  You have not left us in our sins but have given us the Way, the Truth, and the Life.. Jesus Christ. We are so thankful. May we be faithful to love You.. to serve You.. and to give You all praise and glory and honor as we begin to understand.. more and more.. the greatness of this gift and the greatness of our God. Amen. 

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