Thursday, July 13, 2023

 Romans 1:1-17   Paul begins this letter to the Romans.. perhaps the most impactful and profound of his letters.. with a declaration of the Gospel..of which he is "not ashamed.. for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.. " ( v16) 

V 2 - the Gospel was "promised beforehand".. through the prophets. 

V3- The Son.. "a descendant of David according to the flesh".. as foretold.

V4- He was  "..declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord." 

This gospel.. this good news.. is what we have received through faith in Jesus.. by grace. 

Paul says he was called to "bring about the obedience of faith".  Obedience - (translated from the Greek word hupakoe) - attentive harkening; compliance; or submission.   Matthew Henry wrote, "The Christian profession does not consist in a notional knowledge or bare assent, much less in perverse disputings, but in obedience."  It is the privilege of the Christian, he says, the "beloved of God" to be "members of the body which is beloved."  And secondly.. "The duty of Christians; to be holy, hereunto are they called, called to be saints." ( emphasis mine)

In other words, when we say we are Christians it must not be just words.. a notion or idea.. an opinion or a concept.. there must be a real faith that brings about transformation seen in obedience to the Truth. Faith - (Gr. pistis) - persuasion; credence; conviction of the truth; reliance upon Christ for salvation; constancy in such profession.. Faith that will be seen in holiness.. in a life filled with the "grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." (v7)

Paul was thankful that the faith of the Roman Christians was being "proclaimed throughout the whole world".  It was genuine faith that was evident in their lives as they walked in obedience to Christ. His desire was to come to them in person.. to encourage them, to be encouraged by them, to "impart some spiritual gift to" them.. that they might be "established". 

Paul was eager to get to Rome.  He was called to go to Rome. We know from the book of Acts that he never backed down on that calling.. even though it took prison, a ship wreck, and more to get him there.  He was ready to preach the gospel.. the power of God for salvation to Jews and Greeks.. and Romans! 

How wonderful is the gospel of Jesus Christ .. "in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'But the righteous shall live by faith.'

Father in heaven, we give thanks to You for the obedience that the Apostle Paul displayed in proclaiming the gospel in Rome and elsewhere... for we are ones who have heard the Good News too!  Thank You for calling us to faith in Jesus Christ who is Lord of all.. the Way, the Truth and the Life. In Him we put our faith.. persuaded, convinced, convicted, and constantly relying on Him.  May we be obedient to Your Word and to Your Spirit.. to the glory of Your Name and to the glory of Christ Jesus in Whom we live, for it is in His name we pray. Amen. 

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