Thursday, December 30, 2021

Psalm 17  This  earnest prayer from David reveals his honest and open and humble...  He is pleading for God to hear him for his cause is "just" and "not from deceitful lips." 

This needs to be my basis of prayer also.. To ask for what is right and truthful.  And like David, I need to look to God's judgement or vindication.   He alone looks at my heart "with equity".  He alone has "tried my heart" and "tested me".  When I come into His Presence in prayer.. I must come with full surrender and humility.. holding nothing back. I examine my own heart.. but I also yield to His examination too!

David has determined to live in this attitude of full surrender.. 
"I have purposed that my mouth will not transgress.. " 
"I have kept from the paths of the violent... " 
"I have called upon Thee.. " 

Three vows or promises that David chooses to order his path of life so his feet will not slip...A great example for us all:
 To control our mouths.... for our words matter!
 To hedge about or protect our way of living.. to control our actions. 
and to pray always!  

David's prayers include asking for the Lord's ear to be inclined towards him; for the Lord to show him lovingkindness; keep him "as the apple of the eye"; and to "hide [him] in the shadow of Thy wings".  

All of these requests refer to intimate closeness with the Father.. May He be so close that His ear hears our whispered pleas.. that His loving arms surround us.. that we see our own reflection in His eyes.. and that we are completely covered by His wings.  Remember how Jesus lamented over Jerusalem?  "How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.." (Matthew 23:37)  David's prayer shows a heart more than willing!  He longs to be right there.. hidden in His Lord. 

David prays about his circumstances and his problems.  He is being oppressed by the wicked.  He is surrounded by enemies.  He is hated.  He is threatened.  His prayer is simple.. "Arise, O Lord, confront him, bring him low; Deliver my soul from the wicked with Thy sword."  He puts it all in the Hands of the One who will deal justly. 

 "As for me, I shall behold Thy face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Thy likeness when I awake."  This is David's statement of faith.  His hope is in the Lord.  He knows that no matter what happens in life.. there will be a day when he will be with God forever.  It is always his final thought in prayer.. "And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."  Amen!

Father in heaven, may we learn how to pray like Your servant David,  with earnest and honest.. humble and surrendered hearts that seek You.. that climb right up into Your lap and rest in You. We, so  often, pray our list of requests without truly coming into Your Presence.  Teach us to pray, Lord.  Walk with us through this day and fill us with Your Spirit that we might know You more... that we will truly dwell with You moment by moment and day by day.  We ask this in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who  has gathered us under His wings. Amen. 

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